
Academy of Management Learning & Education

Previous Editorial Team


Paul Hibbert, Editor

Professor | University of St Andrews

Paul Hibbert began his academic career after 15 years in industry and management consultancy. He is a Professor of Management at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, (faculty page)and an Honorary Professor at the University of Auckland Business School. He has experience of senior leadership roles such as Head of the School of Management, Dean of Arts and Vice-Principal for Education at the University of St Andrews.

Paul has also fulfilled leadership roles in learned societies and has extensive editorial experience. He has been a member of the Council of the British Academy of Management, and from 2018-2019 he was the Chair of the Management Education and Development division of the Academy of Management having previously filled the roles of PDW Chair and Program Chair. Paul is currently an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education and is a former Associate Editor and editorial board member of both the Journal of Management Education and Management Learning. He is also an editorial board member of Organizational Research Methods. His research has been published in those journals and other leading international outlets, such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies and Organization Studies. His research has been recognized with awards from Academy of Management Divisions, the Australia & New Zealand Academy of Management and the British Academy of Management.

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Arran Caza, Associate Editor

UNC Greensboro

Arran Caza is an Associate Professor of Management in the Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. He studies managers and other leaders, with an emphasis on their cognitions, emotions, and skill development. He has researched and taught on three continents, and had the opportunity to work with a variety of large and small organizations. Before becoming an academic, he worked in program evaluation, health promotion, and law enforcement.


Diego Coraiola, Associate Editor

University of Victoria

Diego M. Coraiola is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria. His primary research interests are in collective action and the strategic uses of symbolic resources. His current research focuses on organizational mnemonics, intergenerational change, and Indigenous organizing. His work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Annals, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, and Management Learning.

Diego has taught various courses such as strategic management, entrepreneurship, organization theory, and research methods for both graduate and undergraduate students in Brazil and Canada. His teaching philosophy focuses on helping students become active and autonomous learners through experiential learning and live cases.


Megan Margaret Gerhardt, Associate Editor

Miami University

Dr. Megan Gerhardt (Book & Resource Reviews) is a Professor of Management and Leadership at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University, specializing in individual and team leadership development, where she also serves as co-director of the Isaac & Oxley Center for Business Leadership. Her current research focuses on the leadership of multiple generations in the workplace. Dr. Gerhardt has authored multiple journal articles, appearing in several of the top management publications. In addition, Dr. Gerhardt leads professional development workshops in organizations on the topics of managing multiple generations in the workforce, strengths based leadership, emotional intelligence, authentic leadership, and women in leadership in the twenty-first century. She is founder and owner of The Gerhardt Group, LLC, specializing in leadership development solutions. Dr. Gerhardt received her BA in psychology as well as her PhD from the University of Iowa.


Danna Greenberg, Associate Editor

Babson College

Danna Greenberg is the Walter H. Carpenter Professor of Organizational Behavior at Babson College, where she also serves as chair of the Management Division (faculty page).

Connected to her work at AMLE, Danna’s scholarship centers on the continued changing landscape of higher education as it pertains to how we teach, what we teach, and how we define our lives as academics. She has used this research expertise to lead curriculum reform in the graduate and undergraduate programs at Babson College. More information on this work can be found in her book, The New Entrepreneurial Leader (Berrett-Koehler Publishing, 2011).

Danna’s other research interest focuses on how individuals navigate the relationship between work, family, and community as their careers and lives evolve. Danna’s scholarship is guided by the belief that individuals can and should be able to live full lives at work and at home. Along with Jamie Ladge, she has recently coauthored a book on this topic entitled Maternal Optimism (Oxford University Press, 2019).

Danna has published more than 30 articles and book chapters in leading journals including Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Human Resource Management, and Journal of Management Education. She speak nationally and internationally on issues pertaining to work-life and innovation in education.

Danna received her BA in Psychology from Wellesley College graduating magna cum laude and her PhD in Organizational Studies from Boston College graduating with first-year distinction.


Oliver Laasch, Associate Editor

Senior Lecturer | University of Manchester

Oliver Laasch is a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Manchester (faculty page), and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He is founder of the Center for Responsible Management Education. Oliver’s research interest lies in responsible management learning and alternative business models (including business school business models). He has published in Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Long Range Planning, Organization and Environment, among others.

Oliver has designed and taught a variety of courses on bachelor, master, PhD and executive education levels, including blended and massive open online courses such as the Coursera MOOC “Managing Responsibly.” Subjects range from research philosophy and advanced qualitative research methods to introductions to (responsible) management. Oliver’s teaching philosophy is centered on enabling learners’ competence development through bespoke heterogeneous sets of assignments.


Dirk Lindebaum, Associate Editor

Grenoble Ecole de Management

Dirk Lindebaum is Senior Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management (France), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta School of Business (Canada). He is curious about ‘values’ as meta-theme in his research, particularly in relation to theory building, learning, technology and emotions at work. His work regularly appears in journals of international distinction, such as the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies and Human Relations. In addition, he is the author of the book 'Emancipation through Emotion Regulation' (Edward Elgar, 2017). Despite his theoretical pursuits, the practical relevance of his research is regularly recognized in news outlets, such as the Financial Times, New York Times, BBC Radio 5 Live, Wirtschaftswoche, Daily Mail, Independent, Fortune Magazine and Bloomberg Business Week. Furthermore, he has published several practitioner-focused articles in MIT Sloan Management Review, one of which has been accepted into the Honor Roll of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network as an indication that his research serves the larger good.


Clare Rigg, Associate Editor

Professor | Lancaster University Management School

Clare Rigg is Professor of Post-experience Management Education at the Lancaster University Management School (faculty page).

Her research focuses on two main areas. The first is development of scholarly practice through leadership and management learning, where her interest is in the involvement of learners in issues relating to ways of engaging in questions of power relations and the impact of their practice on others and wider society. Her second research strand centers on the interplay of critical action learning and action research as they affect collaborative relationships within and between work organizations.

Clare’s work is published in Management Learning, Public Management Review, Journal of Management Education, British Journal of Management and Studies in Higher Education. She also reviews for these journals as well as Organization, Organization Studies and Journal of Organizational Ethnography.

Clare’s teaching is principally with part-time doctoral of business administration students, supervising their international action research projects, and supporting them to become scholarly practitioners. She has previously led leadership development and executive education for a range of public and private sectors organisations.


Olga Igorevna Ryazanova, Associate Editor

Associate Dean | Maynooth University

Olga Ryazanova is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor, tenured) in Management at the Maynooth University’s School of Business (faculty page). Her primary research interest is in the strategic management of higher education institutions, with the specific focus on the individual and group-level processes that influence organizational decision-making and outcomes. Her work is published in international journals, including Academy of Management Learning & Education and Journal of World Business, and received multiple awards from the Academy of Management.

Olga is an active member of the Academy of Management, where the Management Education & Development division (MED) is her primary home. She served as the division’s Secretary for two years and currently serves as the division’s elected Research Coordinator, responsible for identifying best research in management education and development. She has also reviewed for a wide range of journals, including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Management Teaching Review and British Journal of Management, and has been a conference reviewer for the Academy of Management since 2010, receiving multiple outstanding reviewer awards.

Olga is teaching different “flavors” of management and strategy, with the particular focus on teaching large classes of undergraduate students. At her institution, Olga has been proactive in introducing technology for large class teaching and assessment, and led an initiative focused on peer knowledge sharing among faculty to support teaching and learning.


April L. Wright, Associate Editor

Warwick Business School

April Wright is Professor of Organisation Studies at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (faculty page). Her primary research interests are focused on understanding the processes by which institutions are changed, maintained and disrupted, with a particular interest in professions and professional work. Her research in management education has focused on threshold concept learning and evidence-based management. She has published in leading international journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Organizational Research Methods, and British Journal of Management. April’s work in management education has been published in Academy of Management Learning & Education, Management Learning, and Journal of Management Education.

Beyond her Associate Editor role with AMLE, April also serves on the editorial boards for Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Management Education. She teaches courses in introductory management and strategy and has received numerous awards for her work in large undergraduate teaching, including a national award for teaching excellence in the Australian Awards for University Teaching in 2018.

Editorial Review Board

Sandy Fisher, Editorial Review Board Member

Clarkson U.

Charles Fornaciari, Editorial Review Board Member

La Salle University

Jean M. Forray, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor Emeritus | Seneca Consortium

William Foster, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | University of Alberta

Anne Marie Francesco, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | Hong Kong International Management Consulting Company

Cynthia Fukami, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Denver

Tine Garne Køhler, Editorial Review Board Member

Region Hovedstaden

Deanna Geddes, Editorial Review Board Member

Associate Dean | Temple Univ

Robert A. Giacalone, Editorial Review Board Member

Texas State University

Alex Gillett, Editorial Review Board Member

U. of York

Sarel Gronum, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Queensland

Bill Harley, Editorial Review Board Member

Univ Of Melbourne

John S Hassard, Editorial Review Board Member

Manchester Business School

Thomas F. Hawk, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor Emeritus | Frostburg State University

Amanda Hay, Editorial Review Board Member

Nottingham Trent University

Peter Heslin, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | UNSW Sydney Business School

Benson Honig, Editorial Review Board Member

McMaster University

Florian Hoos, Editorial Review Board Member

Sam Horner, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Liverpool

Garett Howardson, Editorial Review Board Member

Adjunct Professor | U.S. Army Research Institute

Alvin Hwang, Editorial Review Board Member

Pace University

Gazi Islam, Editorial Review Board Member

Grenoble Ecole De Management

Gavin Jack, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Edinburgh

Simy Joy, Editorial Review Board Member

Independent Researcher

Tomas Karlsson, Editorial Review Board Member

Chalmers University of Technology

D Christopher Kayes, Editorial Review Board Member

The George Washington University

Richard J. Klimoski, Editorial Review Board Member

Distinguished Emeritus | George Mason University

Kurt Kraiger, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Memphis

Arun Kumar, Editorial Review Board Member

Associate Professor | King's College London

Mark Learmonth, Editorial Review Board Member

Nottingham Trent University

Roy James Lewicki, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor Emeritus | Ohio State University

Ming Li, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Liverpool Management School

Misty L. Loughry, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business

Kathy Lund Dean, Editorial Review Board Member

Gustavus Adolphus College

James McDonald, Editorial Review Board Member

Patricia McLaren, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | Wilfrid Laurier University

Jeffrey John McNally, Editorial Review Board Member

Associate Professor | University of New Brunswick

Stefan Meisiek, Editorial Review Board Member

Associate Professor | University of Sydney

Sébastien Mena, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | Hertie School of Governance

Christopher Michaelson, Editorial Review Board Member

University of St. Thomas-Opus College

Stuart Anthony Middleton, Editorial Review Board Member

The University of Queensland

Ali H. Mir, Editorial Review Board Member

William Paterson University

Michael Lane Morris, Editorial Review Board Member

University of Tennessee

Katrin Susanne Muehlfeld, Editorial Review Board Member

Professor | University of Trier

Farooq Mughal, Editorial Review Board Member

Christopher G. Myers, Editorial Review Board Member

Johns Hopkins University

Davide Nicolini, Editorial Review Board Member

The University of Warwick

Raymond A. Noe, Editorial Review Board Member

The Ohio State University

Damian O'Doherty, Editorial Review Board Member

Liverpool University Management School

John Parnell, Editorial Review Board Member

Endowed Chair | University of North Alabama

Managing Editor


Stacey Victor, Managing Editor

Academy of Management

Stacey Victor's career in publishing has spanned 25 years, beginning in trade publishing at both Time Warner and Random House, and then segueing into the academic and reference world in 2007. Stacey joined AOM in early 2016, where she is Managing Editor for Academy of Management Learning and Education and Academy of Management Annals.