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Celebrity CEOs, Capitalism vs. cronyism, Menial tasks

01 Sep 2021
AOM Insights
How CEOs Become A-List Stars

Self-promotion can help new CEOs get media attention, but they also need to stand out from the crowd with a unique story to really become A-list celebrities.

Capitalism’s critics in politics, academia, and the media—pointing to a growing array of economic, environmental, social, and health problems—are blaming the wrong perpetrator, AOM scholars say. The real culprit? Cronyism.

Women at work often take on roles—such as mother, wife, babysitter, and cheerleader—to get male peers to cooperate on projects.

Like the well-known five stages of grief people often go through after loved ones die, employees can experience five stages of organizational mourning when companies shut down.

All it takes to get away from abusive bosses is to just report them or quit, right? For many victims, it’s not that easy.

GoFundMe "galvanizes people to offer different types of support by triggering compassionate responses that lead them to take action, whether it’s offering comfort or getting involved in preventing tragedies from reoccurring,” a researcher explains.

"You want people you know and trust, and you want people who bring specialized knowledge and skills," a researcher recommends.

Leaders of a fitness company were surprised when their casual encouragement for staff to engage in regular workouts blossomed into a companywide ritual that embedded a shared sense of purpose.


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You Only Live Once

Each year during the Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management recognizes the best article from the prior year from each of the AOM's six journals:


Fueling Older Workers' Performance



20 years after 9/11


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