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Forbes: Confronting Racism: Five Must-Read Articles For Every Business Leader

03 Jun 2020
Let’s cut to the chase. It’s been a tough few days...weeks...months.

Originally found at Forbes by Jim Ludema and Amber Johnson

That’s how Danielle Cadet begins her viral article published at Refinery29, where she serves as a vice president and managing editor.

In the midst of a global pandemic that has disproportionately impacted people of color, leading to an economic downturn that has disproportionately impacted people of color, we’re now confronting, once again, the vicious racism and violence that are embedded in American culture…

We asked colleagues across the country for recommendations of what we and other white American business leaders should be reading right now, to make sure we are informed and engaged as upstanders, not bystanders….

#5: Five Practices and Three Myths that Fuel Inequality

Finally, as scholar-practitioners, we often turn to the research for answers to big questions. Today, the research came to us with this 2-page synopsis of an influential Academy of Management article, which summarizes the findings of 232 articles, 76 books, and 14 reports from governments and think tanks on the topic of inequality, especially in the workplace. The authors (John Amis, Johanna Mair, and Kamal Muir) highlight five common organizational practices and three myths that reinforce inequality. We encourage you to dig deep into this one. It is well worth the effort!

Continue reading the original article at Forbes

Read the original research in Academy of Management Annals

Read the Insights summary

Learn more about the AOM Scholars and explore their work:

John M. Amis

Johanna Mair

Kamal A. Munir
