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16 Sep 2021
Workplace bias suppression can be difficult to sustain, an AMJ study shows.

Originally found at, by Shannon Roddel.

Decision-making that overrides one's personal views and self-interests, also known as bias suppression, is often touted as an essential institutional objective. Accountability is a common strategy for discouraging stubborn biases. However, even within the most well-intentioned organizations, efforts to counteract biases tend to wane over time.

New research from the University of Notre Dame shows when and why bias suppression is so challenging to sustain from one decision to the next.

"When and Why Bias Suppression is Difficult to Sustain: The Asymmetric Effect of Intermittent Accountability" is forthcoming in the Academy of Management Journal from Brittany Solomon and Cindy Muir (Zapata), management professors at Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, along with Matthew Hall, the David A. Potenziani Memorial College Professor of Constitutional Studies, concurrent law professor and director of Notre Dame's Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.

Continue reading the original article at

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.

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