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Her Family: Imposter syndrome might actually be making you better at your job

18 Nov 2021
New research reveals a "silver lining" to the unpleasant condition.

Originally found at Her Family by Katy Brennan

Most of us will deal with imposter syndrome at some point in our life.

Whether it's starting a new job or your first week at college, we've all felt that feeling of not being good enough at least once.

Imposter syndrome is defined as a condition where one has feelings of inadequacy in a certain situation. You doubt your abilities, feel like a fraud, and worry that everyone around you will soon realize you are a fraud.

It mostly affects high-achieving people who are actually very adequate but have a hard time accepting their accomplishments and it's typically associated with low self-esteem and anxiety. And put simply, it absolutely sucks.

But now, as reported by The New Scientist, research has shown that imposter syndrome may not be all that bad as it can "actually contribute to success in some respects".

The study, published in the Academy of Management Journal, found that when it comes to work, employees who suffer from imposter syndrome have better interpersonal skills than their more confident co-workers - even though they were considered to be just as competent as their peers.

Continue reading the original article at Her Family.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal

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