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The Penny Hoarder: An expert gives advice on negotiating salaries as a woman

05 Oct 2024
You may have heard women don’t negotiate their pay as often as men, furthering the gender pay gap. It turns out, this argument simply is an outdated artifact from the 20th century.

Originally found at The Penny Hoarder

You may have heard women don’t negotiate their pay as often as men, furthering the gender pay gap. It turns out, this argument simply is an outdated artifact from the 20th century. Women have actually proven over the last 20 years they’re more likely to negotiate for better pay than their male counterparts, according to a 2024 study in Academy of Management Discoveries. Negotiating salaries as a woman just isn’t as well rewarded.

“That outdated belief, that women don’t ask for more, actually contributes to the gender pay gap,” explains Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez, author of the upcoming book “The New Rules of Ambition.” “The belief is associated with reduced support for things like pay equity policies and increased gender stereotyping more broadly. So not only does this research debunk the idea that women don’t ask for more, but it also exposes the consequences of our collective buy-in to that false assumption.”

Tips for Negotiating Salaries as a Woman

Just because women aren’t rewarded as well for their negotiation efforts doesn’t mean you should shy away from them. It just means you’ll want to come into your negotiations prepared to combat these biases head on. O’Connell Rodriguez shares some tips for entering these conversations at all the various ‘firsts’ you may encounter.

Continue reading the original article at The Penny Hoarder.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Discoveries.

Read the Academy of Management Insights summary.

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