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AOM Research and Resources Related to Gender

06 Mar 2023
International Women’s Day is dedicated to honoring the achievements of women throughout history and around the world.


8 March is celebrated as International Women’s Day, a day dedicated to honoring the achievements of women throughout history and around the world, and a day for women from all backgrounds and cultures to band together to fight for gender parity and women's rights.  

The 2023 International Women’s Day theme is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, which addresses the disparity that exists for women in digital spaces and skills. Despite progress, many women today face a disadvantage when it comes to participating in online and digital spaces.  

March is Women's History Month, which highlights the contributions of women to events in American history and contemporary society. The theme for this year’s Women's History Month, “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”, encourages the recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media.

The status of women globally really depends upon who you are and where you are. In the United States and in other developed economies, there certainly is more attention to increasing women’s representation at the top. Arguably there is more support (mostly from the private sector) than ever before to increase women’s representations on boards and in the C-suite, as well as in professional fields in which they have been historically underrepresented (e.g., STEM, finance).  Yet in other nations, women are still fighting for educational attainment and economic citizenship. Regarding the theme for IWD, “DigitALL,” women and girls in rural areas around the world are more likely (relative to men) to lack access to technology, cell phones, and the internet.  This digital divide suppresses women’s voices, and it disadvantages them as they try to participate in politics, the formal economy, and other parts of society.  Also globally women are less likely to have access to financial institutions or bank accounts.

In addition, while COVID seems to have had a disparate impact on women’s careers, it also has enhanced public attention to the difficulties women and men face as employees and caregivers. Still women around the world do much of the unpaid care work, which can limit their opportunities for participation or advancement in the formal economy.  And if you look at labor statistics in the U.S. and globally, you see some of the same troubling trends that most women of color face a larger gender wage gap than do white women at work. Furthermore, occupational segregation by gender and race is still a major component of these persistent wage gaps. Female-dominated jobs pay less, and women of color are overrepresented in these positions. Career opportunities are really tied to social capital, technological access, and educational resources that are not available to all women.

Allison Elias, AOM Subject Matter Expert
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

The following collection of Academy of Management research topics include:

Media: please contact to receive copies of these or other AOM articles.

    Gender and Diversity

    Think Funny, Think Female: The Benefits of Humor for Women’s Influence in the Digital Age, Academy of Management Discoveries 

    Does Power Protect Female Moral Objectors? How and When Moral Objectors’ Gender, Power, and Use of Organizational Frames Influence Perceived Self-Control and Experienced Retaliation, Academy of Management Journal 

    “Invisible” Discrimination: Divergent Outcomes for the Nonprototypicality of Black Women, Academy of Management Journal 

    Different Roots, Different Fruits: Gender-Based Differences in Cultural Narratives about Perceived Discrimination Produce Divergent Psychological Consequences, Academy of Management Journal 

    Signaling Legitimacy: Why Mixed-Gender Coalitions Outperform Single-Gender Coalitions in Advocating for Gender Equity, Academy of Management Journal 

    Signaling Diversity Debt: Startup Gender Composition and the Gender Gap in Joiners’ Interest, Academy of Management Journal 

    From Exception to Exceptional: How Gender and Tenure Impact Sponsor Effectiveness, Academy of Management Discoveries 

    Which Ideas for Change Are Endorsed? How Agentic and Communal Voice Affects Endorsement Differently for Men and for Women, Academy of Management Journal 

    Barriers and Boosts: Using Inequity Frames Theory to Expand Understanding of Mechanisms of Race and Gender Inequity, Academy of Management Annals 

    Loosening Categorical Thinking: Extending The Terrain Of Theory And Research On Demographic Identities In Organizations, Academy of Management Review

    Demographic Diversity In Decision-Making Groups: The Experiences Of Women And People Of Color, Academy of Management Review

    Mosaic: A Model Of Stereotyping Through Associated And Intersectional Categories, Academy of Management Review

    Personal Networks Of Women And Minorities In Management: A Conceptual Framework, Academy of Management Review

    When Expectations Become Reality: Work-Family Image Management and Identity Adaptation, Academy of Management Review

    Diversity Initiative Effectiveness: A Typological Theory Of Unintended Consequences, Academy of Management Review

    Integrating Diversity At Different Levels: Multilevel Human Capital, Social Capital, And Demographic Diversity And Their Implications For Team Effectiveness, Academy of Management Review

    Making the Invisible Visible: Paradoxical Effects of Intersectional Invisibility on the Career Experiences of Executive Black Women, Academy of Management Journal

    We Ask Men to Win and Women Not to Lose: Closing the Gender Gap in Startup Funding, Academy of Management Journal

    Diversity Thresholds: How Social Norms, Visibility, and Scrutiny Relate to Group Composition, Academy of Management Journal

    Why and When Does the Gender Gap Reverse? Diversity Goals and the Pay Premium for High Potential Women, Academy of Management Journal

    A Different Frame of Reference: Entrepreneurship and Gender Differences in the Perception of Danger, Academy of Management Discoveries

    A More Feminine Scholarship: Relational Practice for Setting a Good Example, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Bringing Transgender Issues Into Management Education: A Call to Action, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Taking off the Blinders: A Comparative Study of University Students’ Changing Perceptions of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace From 2006 to 2013, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Ms. Trust: Gender, Networks and Trust—Implications for Management and Education, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Gender and the MBA, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Gender Diversity in Editorial Boards of Management Journals, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Masculinity and Management Education: Feminizing the MBA, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Careers and the Wage Gap

    Virtuality at Work: A Doubled-Edged Sword for Women’s Career Equality?, Academy of Management Annals

    Scouting and Schmoozing: A Gender Difference in Networking during Job Search, Academy of Management Discoveries 

    The Glass Wall and the Gendered Evaluation of Role Expansion in Freelancing Careers, Academy of Management Journal

    Reaching for the Stars: How Gender Influences the Formation of High-Status Collaboration Ties, Academy of Management Journal 

    Free to Be Me? Evolving Gender Expression and the Dynamic Interplay between Authenticity and the Desire to Be Accepted at Work, Academy of Management Journal 

    The Hidden Cost of Prayer: Religiosity and the Gender Wage Gap, Academy of Management Journal  

    Covering in Cover Letters: Gender and Self-Presentation in Job Applications, Academy of Management Journal

    The Caregiving Ambition Framework, Academy of Management Review

    Achieving Work-Family Balance: An Action Regulation Model, Academy of Management Review

    Covering in Cover Letters: Gender and Self-Presentation in Job Applications, Academy of Management Journal

    To Delegate or Not to Delegate: Gender Differences in Affective Associations and Behavioral Responses to Delegation, Academy of Management Journal

    Work-Life Balance as a Household Negotiation: A New Perspective from Rural India, Academy of Management Discoveries

    Choices and Consequences: Impact of Mobility on Research-Career Capital and Promotion in Business Schools, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    How “Doing Gender” Leads to Gender Imbalances in the Higher Ranks in Colleges of Business [And How To “Undo Gender”], Academy of Management Learning & Education


    Women in the C-Suite: A Review of Predictors, Experiences, and Outcomes, Academy of Management Annals

    Unpacking Entrepreneurial Education: Learning Activities, Students’ Gender, and Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship, Academy of Management Learning & Education 

    A New Perspective on Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons: Why Stakeholder Variability Matters, Academy of Management Review 

    Sizing Up Entrepreneurial Potential: Gender Differences in Communication and Investor Perceptions of Long-Term Growth and Scalability, Academy of Management Journal  

    What Changes after Women Enter Top Management Teams? A Gender-Based Model of Strategic Renewal, Academy of Management Journal 

    A Network Utilization Perspective On The Leadership Advancement Of Minorities, Academy of Management Review

    Masculinity At The Negotiation Table: A Theory Of Men’s Negotiation Behaviors And Outcomes, Academy of Management Review

    The Social Consequences of Voice: An Examination of Voice Type and Gender on Status and Subsequent Leader Emergence, Academy of Management Journal

    Reading the Face of a Leader: Women with Low Facial Masculinity Are Perceived as Competitive, Academy of Management Discoveries

    Gender, Education, and Occupation: How Founder Experiences Influence Firm Outcomes, Academy of Management Discoveries

    A “Novel” Discovery: Exploring Women’s Literary Fiction for Use in Management and Leadership Education, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    “Perfect Storm” on the Horizon for Women Business School Deans?, Academy of Management Learning & Education

    Taking Gender Into Account: Theory and Design for Women's Leadership Development Programs, Academy of Management Learning & Education

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