
Forbes: The road ahead: Preserving DEI amid political pushback

CNN: What is DEI, and why is it dividing America?

Forbes: Why kindness in the workplace is more important than ever Beyond backlash: Advancing dominant-group employees’ learning, allyship, and growth through social identity threat

Forbes: 6 signs that your company might adopt the 4-day workweek

Inc.: 4 red flags that prove you're more emotionally intelligent than you think, backed by science Property rights 'laws' historically manipulated by businesses, research finds When the media believe that a firm is really green

World Economic Forum: A study of 1 million employees shows what happens when colleagues leave

AOM Research and Resources Related to Gender

Essence: More Women Job-Seekers Are Passing Up On Startups Run By Men

Forbes: When Men Dominate Startups, Women Take A Pass, According To New Research

The New York Times: Who Benefits When Salary Info is Public?

Forbes: 4-Day Workweek Catching On In The United States

Research Professional News: Thought Boxes and Bubbles

The Washington Post: California Law Forces Most Companies to Provide Salary Info in Job Ads

The Washington Post: Target Axes Mandatory Retirement Age as CEOs Stay on the Job Longer

Forbes: Female Whistleblowers Face More Retaliation – Here’s How To Avoid It, According To A New Study

Institute for Public Relations: Deconstructing: Stakeholder Capitalism

Phys.Org: Identifying Links Between Incentives and Ethical Lapses