
Leaders' Jokes Can Have Serious Consequences

Academy of Management 78th annual meeting to address critical issues facing global management community

Havard Business Review: It’s time to make business school research more relevant

Quartz: How to cry at work without the social cost

Inc.: What female CEOs need to succeed

Quartz: There’s a dark side to friendships at work

Inc.: Investors don’t ask women founders the same questions as men. Here’s why that’s a problem

Success of female CEOs is influenced by exit actions of their mostly male predecessors

Investor biases widen the startup funding gender gap, men secure more funds than women

Forbes: How investors use ‘gut feel’ to manage risk

The New York Times: Picture a leader. Is she a woman?

Inc.: Why all the bosses in Disney movies are terrible

Newsweek: White male workers respond poorly to women and racial minorities in power and take it out on colleagues: Report

Disney animated films may negatively influence children’s perception of work

Ohio State News: Why some of your old work commitments never seem to go away

Strategy+Business: Can workaholism be good for you?

Financial Times: Why it can be cruel to be kind in the workplace

Business News Daily: Working long hours isn’t a bad thing if you love your job

Knowledge@Wharton: The truth about being a workaholic: Why it isn’t always bad for you

MIC: Is it normal to lie about money, work or job skills? What data suggests about lying – and gender