Originally found at Inc.
When paintball first became a thing, I and about 20 of the guys I worked with decided to give it a try. We bought the most powerful guns we could find—because why wouldn’t you—and borrowed goggles from the plant as a nod to safety. Yeah, we were dumb, but in our defense, the industry was so young paintball-specific protective gear had not become a thing.
One of the guys had played before, and when I asked him what it felt like to be hit by a paintball, he said: “It hurts. A lot. And leaves a welt.”
The thought nagged at me. How badly would it hurt? Would it just sting? Would it feel like a hard slap? Worse? When we got to the woods where we were going to play, I walked about 10 steps away from a friend and said, “Shoot me in the back so I know how it feels.”
Not only did he comply, he shot me twice. Maybe we weren’t as good friends as I thought; after all, research shows only half of the people we think are friends consider us to be their friend...
...According to a study published in Academy of Management Journal, bosses who are sometimes fair cause their employees to experience greater anxiety and stress than bosses who are always unfair.
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Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.
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