
Improving Management Scientifically


News about AOM and our members as reported by media outlets worldwide


Press releases, updates and important announcements from AOM

13 January 2020

13 Jan 2021
In this issue: Call for Reviewers, Virtual Career Fair



13 January 2021

Call for AOM 2021 Reviewers

Looking for a way to give back to your academic community? Help shape the AOM 2021 program by .


Peer review ensures that the Annual Meeting scholarly sessions continue to be of the highest quality and allows engaged members to take an active role in our Annual Meeting.


Why Review?

  • Reviewing is a logical 'first step' in getting involved with the Academy. Volunteering to review for a DIG that you're unfamiliar with can broaden your understanding about that domain.
  • Reviewers are essential to guaranteeing academic quality and integrity.
  • Reviewer comments and guidance provide an invaluable contribution to developing scholarship.
  • Contributing as an AOM reviewer demonstrates your involvement and commitment to the field
  • Reviewers typically receive Division-level and All-Academy recognition for their service contributions.

Reviewers may select up to two Divisions and/or Interest Groups, as well as the Teaching & Learning Conference (TLC@AOM).

The review period begins 21 January and runs through 18 February.


By signing up, reviewers can help in making AOM 2021 an exceptional virtual experience. Your commitment to the field helps maintain the academic quality and integrity members have come to expect from the Academy.


Remember, you do not need to be a current or active member to serve as a reviewer!


Thank you for participation in the Annual Meeting, and we look forward to 30 July–3 August.


Salt Lake Tribune

Washington Post

Featured Career Services Job Post


Boston University Metropolitan College

Boston University’s Metropolitan College seeks a full-time faculty member with expertise in business analytics, finance, or supply chain management to join its nationally recognized Department of Administrative Sciences starting July or September 1, 2021.

Promote Your Institution's Opportunities

Bring more attention to your institution’s employment opportunities by having your job opportunity appear here. today and select this new option to expand your reach to the Academy's diverse community of more than 23,000 readers.

Review for AOM 2021

Your Feedback Matters! Help shape the AOM 2021 program by signing up to review for up to two Divisions or Interest Groups as well as the Teaching and Learning Conference.

are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal.

Join us for these Paper Development Workshops:

AMD Virtual PDW

Registration deadline: 7 March 2021


AMLE Virtual PDW

. Submission deadline for extended abstract: 22 January 2021

AMR Paper Draft Development Workshop

6-7 January 2022

Cairo, Egypt, German University in Cairo (GUC)

2020 Media Kit

AOM offers year-round opportunities for your organization to stay top-of-mind with our audience online, at our events, and in our journals.


Access the for sponsorship information.

  • All-Academy Career Achievement Awards: Have you noticed the leadership of a colleague or peer who is regularly engaged in advancing scholarship to the field of management? AOM invites you to share your recognition for these distinguished individuals and their accomplishments via 2021 Career Achievement Awards nominations! .
  • We are also accepting nominations for the ! The Terry Book Award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the global advancement of management knowledge during the last two years. to register your nomination with the Academy of Management offices.
  • The Carolyn Dexter and William H. Newman Awards are All-Academy awards, selected by an inclusive nomination process and dedicated award committees. Each paper is self-nominated through the Academy's abstract submission entry portal to the Division or Interest Group of their choice. Each of the twenty-six Divisions or Interest Group program chairs then nominates one paper to be considered by the respective award committee!
  • Next month, the Academy's Divisions and Interest Groups (DIGs) will be seeking nominations for a variety of elected volunteer roles. Your help is needed in this important effort to identify future leaders for the Academy! If you know a colleague with great leadership skills who you would recommend, we encourage you to submit his or her name when nominations open in early February. Or, if you are you interested in serving your DIG personally, self-nominations are also accepted!

Connect with your Divisions and Interest Groups

Division and Interest Group

Calls for AOM 2021 Reviewers

At Connect@AOM – our exclusive online community - management scholars from around the world make professional connections by participating in discussions, and share knowledge and information and with each by sharing digital resources. to learn how you can join the conversation and take advantage of this member benefit.

Members in the News

In Memoriam

Images courtesy of University of Washington, Berkely Haas

Doctoral Student Development Program (DSDP)

The Doctoral Student Development Program (DSDP), a benefit for student members of AOM, has been joined by more than one-third of those eligible, all of whom now have online access to the comprehensive video library of the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis, or CARMA. It's a valuable member benefit for doctoral students, research assistants, project leaders, manuscript authors, and editors.

If you wish to join DSDP, please .

Are you a renewing member experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19?

Gideon Markman and Geoffrey Wood

Announcing the Incoming Coeditors of
Academy of Management Perspectives


The Academy of Management's Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Gideon Markman, Colorado State University, and Geoffrey Wood, Western University, who will serve as coeditors for AMP. Brief bios for Gideon and Geoffrey, along with additional information on their new roles, can be .

Calls for Submission

AMD Special Research Theme:

Submission deadline: 1 August 2021

AMLE Special Issue

Submission deadline: 31 May 2021

AMLE invites proposals for special issues, scheduled for publication in 2024 and 2025.

AMR Special Topic Forums

AOM Journal Resources

offers information on:

For nonmembers who want to access Insights, :

Insights: Access to all Insights summaries for $74.99

Insights Plus: Access to all Insights summaries plus applicable journal articles for $99.00


For Insights licensing opportunities, please .


The latest from

Insights Summaries

Insights Infographics

Have AOM News to share? Contact the .

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