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Introducing the redesigned Academy News! We're thrilled to bring you a monthly edition featuring a fresh format designed for simplicity and clarity. Check your inbox the second Wednesday of the month and dive into three neatly organized sections: News and Announcements, Events, and Resources—ensuring you stay seamlessly informed about all that's happening within the vibrant AOM community. |
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“Reviewing is an important skill to develop from early on, and it’s the easiest way to serve the community.
” – Ninja Janardhanan, MOC Division Rep-at-Large, 2023 Dexter Award Winner As the submissions for the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management roll in, a great way to get involved with AOM is through signing up to review. Reviewers play a pivotal role
in shaping the program of the Annual Meeting, ensuring that the scholarly sessions continue to be of the highest quality.
The reviewing period is from 18 January through 15 February, and you can sign up now! Reviewing is a great skill for members of all levels of their career. Wendy K. Smith, Program Chair of the Organization and
Management Theory division, recalls reviewing early in her career and what it has meant to her over time: |
“I remember the first reviews I wrote as a doctoral student. I felt anxious – wanting to do a good job of reviewing, but not totally sure how to do it well. I read the papers, wrote the reviews, and asked some mentors to read them and give me feedback. The experience left me feeling more confident in my scholarship and analysis, more prepared to review for journals and more connected with the division. Now as program chair, I see just how valuable each reviewer is in the process. I am now grateful to my previous younger PhD self or my professor self for writing reviews – just as I am now grateful to all the people who take the time to help make the program better overall.” |
Exceptional reviewers are rewarded for their hard work from their Division and Interest Groups during the Annual Meeting. Saloni
Sinha won the Outstanding Reviewer Award at AOM 2023 and Best Reviewer Award at AOM 2022 from the Management Education
and Development division: |
“My reviewer journey at AOM has been rewarding in every way. The most intriguing part of the process is the feedback the reviewers receive from submitters. It develops the critiquing ability and positive communication of the reviewer. I personally gained a lot of insights, enhanced my scholarship, and built my intellect as a researcher by reviewing and reading the reviews of other reviewers. It was an honor to be acknowledged and appreciated for volunteering to peer review Annual Meeting submissions. I hope to create more milestones in my reviewing role at the AOM Annual Meeting in future." |
To sign up, please visit the Reviewer Center. Select a sponsor and
use the keywords to indicate your special areas of knowledge and interest. You can sign up to review for up to two DIGs.
For each of the DIGs you select, you may be asked to review up to a total of three submissions. The maximum number of review
assignments that you could receive is six Read the Reviewer Guidelines for additional information.
AOM highly encourages members to volunteer to review for at least one DIG or for TLC@AOM, especially if you have submitted
a proposal. Reciprocal reviews provide submitters with high-quality and important feedback on their work. AOM relies on
and greatly appreciates reviewers. See you in Chicago for AOM 2024! |
Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers.
Connect with the world's top influencers in the field of management. Contact us for a media kit. |
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We are pleased to introduce and welcome the 2023-2024 AOM Career Services Committee. These
volunteers bring a depth of knowledge, experience, and passion for supporting members throughout
their professional career. They can be reached at careerservices@aom.org.
- Career Services Committee Director – Angela K. Miles, North Carolina
Central University
- Career Services Committee Associate Director – Jennifer Collins,
Florida A&M University
- Career Services Committee Assistant Director – Susan M.T. Coombs,
Virginia Commonwealth University
- Career Services Committee Coaching Coordinator – Claudia Ferrante,
U.S. Air Force Academy
President's Corner with Sharon Alvarez
AOM President Sharon Alvarez introduces a new way for members to better connect across our AOM community. This video series
offers improved awareness and understanding about how AOM functions. As Sharon says, she’ll see you “around
the corner!”
Call for Award Committee Volunteers The Academy of Management is recruiting Award Committee volunteers for the upcoming year. As
invaluable members of our AOM community, volunteers dedicate their time, skills, and efforts
to help shape the future of management research and education—sharing knowledge and
expertise throughout our global network and making an impact on members around the world. Each year, AOM presents awards to members in recognition of outstanding contributions, professional
accomplishments, and distinguished service. Awards are distinguished by the breadth and
length of the work. All-Academy Awards are presented leading into AOM’s Annual Meeting
and committees review nominations for the following awards during the preceding months: - Career Achievement Awards
- George R. Terry Book Award
- William H. Newman Award
- Carolyn Dexter Award
If you are interested in volunteering for one of these committees, email governance@aom.org.
View this and other volunteer opportunities here. |
2024 George R. Terry Book Award Nominations Now Open AOM is now accepting nominations for the 2024 George R. Terry Book Award, with an early March
deadline. This award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding
contribution to the global advancement of management knowledge during the last two years.
Eligible book nominations must contribute to the advancement of management theory, conceptualization,
research, or practice. Click here for more on the nomination process, including a link to this year’s nominations form.
| | As of 1 January 2024, Academy of Management Journal is expanding the types of manuscripts considered for publication to include a new manuscript type: “AMJ Research Methods.” These new methodological articles will highlight the critical role that methods play in theory development and testing. Authors are invited to submit their research methods articles via AMJ’s
ScholarOne Manuscripts
submission website.
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Members in the News AOM member and Associate Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Jean-François Harvey has been appointed Lead Editor for a special issue of the prestigious scientific journal Organization Science. Jean-François Harvey said he was honored by this recognition: “I am honoured to serve as Lead Editor for the special issue of Organization Science. This represents a unique opportunity
to draw together cutting-edge research focused on building a psychologically safe climate in an increasingly digital and
socially complex world. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we hope to shed light on innovative solutions to
current organizational challenges.” Jean-François Harvey joined the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Montréal after completing
2 years of postdoctoral studies in management at the Harvard Business School. Today he holds a research professorship in
organizational learning, where he seeks to better understand how individuals, teams and organizations learn and adapt,
especially in uncertain and ambiguous contexts. He uses both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to develop knowledge
on the subject. His most recent works have appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Annals and
Journal of Organizational Behavior.
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| | AOM 2024: Innovating for the Future - Policy, Purpose, and Organizations The 84th Meeting of the Academy of Management will be held
in Chicago, IL USA 9-13 August. Join us to examine the
interplay of innovation, policy, and purpose as a lens
for rethinking conventional ways of leading, managing,
and organizing. Visa Alert There is a significant backlog of visa appointments for some
countries. If you plan to attend the AOM 2024 Annual Meeting
in Chicago, IL, USA, it is recommended that you apply for
your B1/B2 visa early. Wait times may change daily, and
appointments are not guaranteed. Please refer to the
US Department of State
website for additional information. Sponsoring the Annual Meeting Interested in sponsoring items for the Annual Meeting? For
more information, contact us. |
| | AMR Idea Development Workshop, Portugal This idea development workshop (IDW) is primarily geared toward
early career researchers (e.g., assistant professors and
postdoctoral fellows) and PhD students who are interested
in publishing in AMR – the highest-ranked journal
publishing conceptual and theoretical manuscripts. Although
this IDW is open to anyone, preference will be shown to
individuals from institutions based in Western European
countries. This workshop is designed to help participants
develop great ideas that will be the foundation for well-crafted
manuscripts suitable for submission to AMR. Registration deadline: 15 March |
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| | Call for Submissions: AMR Special Topic Forum - Artificial Intelligence in Management AMR’s Bridge Reviewer Program Redesign The Bridge Reviewer Program aims to expand the pool of potential reviewers.
Participants complete self-guided learning modules on topics such as writing
highly developmental reviews, observing the ethics of reviewing, and avoiding
bias while reviewing. After completing the learning modules, Bridge Reviewers
are matched with an AMR editorial review board mentor to practice reviewing
a paper submitted to AMR. The mentors then provide feedback for review. To sign up, fill out the application form.
Look for an email (sent within two weeks) for the learning modules. |
AOM members connect with colleagues around the globe through online and in-person networks, communities, and
events. Networking through AOM offers new opportunities to share your research, meet peers, and discuss everything
from the latest theories, to the best teaching practices, to top management and organization issues of
the day. |
| | Did You Know? Connect@AOM is the Academy’s interactive online community, keeping you in-the-know with news, announcements and shared information from your AOM networks all year-round! - Get Started: Check out the
Connect Quick Start Guide
for tips on how to easily get started navigating Connect@AOM.
- Find your professional home among the DIGs: You are automatically subscribed to discussion digests for your select DIGs, and can personalize your
email delivery preferences
for each one.
- Join the Conversation: Do you have question to ask or information to share? Participate in your community discussions by
posting a new thread
or contributing to an existing conversation.
| | Membership Maximizer Make sure you have your correct affiliation on your profile. Affiliations appear in the directory, on submissions, and are used when assigning reviewers. Click
Sign In on the AOM homepage to access and update your profile. |
| | Volunteering with AOM Contribute to the collective future of AOM by serving in both short and long-term volunteer roles for students, early career scholars, and seasoned academics and practitioners. |
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