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Future of Business and Tech: The Impact of the Pandemic on Workplace Norms

19 Oct 2021

Originally found at Future of Business and Tech

How has the pandemic altered workplaces, upended the rules of employer-employee relationships, and evolved how the world works forever?

To answer these important questions, The Academy of Management (AOM) gathered leading global workplace scholar experts to showcase research-based insights and make sense of the pandemic’s workplace evolutions. The association created the panel to provide actionable research-based insights to guide organizations and employees during the pandemic.

Prior to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, AOM scholar members, Peter Bamberger of Tel Aviv University, Adam M. Kleinbaum of Dartmouth College, Tsedal Neeley of Harvard Business School and Jennifer Petriglieri of INSEAD, have studied the hybrid work revolution, employer-employee relationships, work-life balance, what trends might be more pervasive in a post-pandemic future, and more to help enhance employee well-being and engagement. The scholars are globally recognized as experts on the topics of the workplace, remote work, work relationships, and generally how organizations and employees interact. 



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