
President's Message


Amy Hillman
President, 2022-2023

Herman Aguinis
President, 2021-2022

Herman Aguinis served as the 77th President of the Academy of Management during the 2021-2022 term. During the Academy’s Annual Meeting in Seattle, Herman delivered his 2022 Presidential Address, which is available to view here.


Dear Friends,

I am truly pleased to introduce this 2022 annual report to members of the Academy of Management.

In August 2022, the President’s gavel passed to me from our colleague, Herman Aguinis, under whose term much of our 2022 activity occurred.

We continued to meet our challenges and flourish in the calendar year 2022 as we finally emerged from the global pandemic; and it’s all thanks to our committed Academy of Management community! In the past year we have been able to learn and grow together; and our members’ enduring commitment to the AOM’s mission continues to be an inspiring force for shaping our future in the years ahead.

In 2022, we began structuring our work in alignment with a set of strategic priorities identified by the Board of Governors and key volunteer leaders throughout the previous term. These priorities serve as a framework for our initiatives and activities for the years 2022-2025. Building from these priorities, the Board agreed to establish a clear expression of our value proposition for members. This statement would act as a guiding compass for all our ongoing strategic endeavors. With valuable input from the dedicated volunteer leaders of AOM, we developed a comprehensive statement that defines our identity, our target audience, and the core essence of what we, as the Academy, fundamentally strive to accomplish. This statement will continue to steer our strategic initiatives moving forward:

The Academy of Management is a community of engaged members who teach and conduct research in the area of management. We offer a platform for exchange around the creation and dissemination of rigorous and relevant knowledge pertaining to management scholarship, teaching, and practice. We harness the power of our global members as volunteers to advance the professional development and careers of management scholars in all stages of the academic life-cycle.

The Board has been involved in translating this value proposition and focusing most intently on research methods and teaching resources as key areas for development that are highly valued by our members. We are evaluating possible new services for both as we speak. To strengthen our governance, our Bylaws are being updated to improve the slating of candidates and the election voting process.  Changes to the Code of Ethics are also underway. As I shortly turn over my own gavel, I look forward to seeing the outcomes of these initiatives that will be shared in the 2023 annual report.

In addition, I’m excited to say that we also reconvened for the Academy of Management’s 82nd Annual Meeting: Creating a Better World Together in Seattle from 5-9 August, 2022 with more than 10,000 attendees. This was the first in-person meeting since 2019, and we were thrilled to see our members face-to-face again. Our AOM conference reality for 2022 underscored the travel uncertainties for our worldwide membership, and as a result, with input from our valued volunteer leaders, a hybrid format of the Annual Meeting was offered for registrants to participate virtually or in person.

Additionally, in 2022, scholars continued to attend Paper and Idea Development Workshops in various cities and universities around the world for guidance in the development of their manuscripts for potential submission to an Academy of Management journal. Our public relations and social media efforts, along with AOM Insights, our online magazine for management and business leaders built primarily upon AOM journal content, continue to exponentially broaden the reach of our scholarly research beyond academic use. We introduced a new journal: Academy of Management Collections, which features thematic groups of peer-reviewed research drawn from the AOM journal portfolio.

This dynamic annual report also offers acknowledgement and gratitude for our thousands of dedicated volunteers. The report highlights the Academy’s awards and recognition program, featuring professional accomplishments, distinguished service, and exceptional contributions to the field of management and organizations. 

On behalf of the Board of Governors and AOM leadership, we are profoundly grateful for the essential contributions from our volunteers and members living and working around the world, who are vital for the continued vibrancy and success of our association.

Amy Hillman
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