
AMLE Virtual Paper Development Workshop on Scholarly Impact

We define scholarly impact as an “auditable or recordable occasion of influence” arising out of research (Haley, Page, Pitsis, Rivas and Yu, 2017); this special issue will explore influence through research on communities that include not just scholars, but also other external and internal stakeholders such as regulators, policymakers, managers, students and society at large.

AMD Virtual Paper Development Workshop

Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) is pleased to offer a unique opportunity for management scholars to develop their empirical exploration papers, the AMD Paper Development Workshop in November 2020.

Midwest Academy of Management Conference

Melbourne Business School-The University of Melbourne

Postponed—check back for future updates.

AMR Idea Development Workshop

Deadlines for extended abstracts: 18 February 2022 for Special Topic Forum: Theorizing Time in Management and Organizations.