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Improving Management Scientifically


News about AOM and our members as reported by media outlets worldwide


Press releases, updates and important announcements from AOM

7 September 2022

12 Sep 2022
Plan ahead for future Annual Meetings

7 September 2022

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7 September 2022


Join AOM at our upcoming Annual Meetings

AOM schedules Annual Meeting locations in advance so that you can plan ahead to attend. View the upcoming locations scheduled for the next five years, including our first meeting held outside North America in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2025. We look forward to exploring these cities and participating in scholarly engagement around management and organization research with you.



4-8 August

Boston, Massachusetts






9-13 August

Chicago, Illinois





25-29 July

Copenhagen, Denmark





31 July-4 August

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania





6-10 August

Seattle, Washington




Academy News Sections:

AOM Poll Question

Which Annual Meeting location do you look forward to attending the most?

Last edition's AOM Quick Poll responses to:

What do you look forward to the most at the beginning of the school year?

  • Meeting many new people with interesting stories about what brings them to graduate management education.
  • More learning through new collaborations for both teaching and research.
  • Skill development
  • Trying new pedagogy
  • New projects
  • How I am going to teach courses well as planned?
  • Post-pandemic! Finally I feel like I can start fresh!

Thank you to our Academy News sponsor:

Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management

AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers. Connect with the world’s top influencers in the field of management.


Promote Your Institution's Opportunities

Highlight your institution’s employment opportunities by displaying your job opportunities here. to reach AOM's diverse community of more than 23,000 readers.

2021 Publication Award Winners Dynamic Edition


Post-Conference Access

Members who attended the Annual Meeting can access the through 31 October.


Non-members and members who were unable to attend the Annual Meeting can register for to receive unlimited access to the Annual Meeting platform, accepted papers, recorded sessions, supplemental materials, and the ability to contact presenters and meeting attendees.


Plan ahead for your scholarly contribution at next year's Annual Meeting

  • Call for Submissions published in November
  • Submission Center opens early December
  • Reviewer Sign-up opens early December
  • Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 10 January at 17:00 EST (GMT/UTC-5)


are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal.

Join us for these upcoming virtual and in-person Paper Development Workshops:

12-13 October

PDW hosted in Rome to develop ideas and working manuscripts with the aim of later submission for review at Academy of Management Journal.

In-person workshop on: 12-13 October 2022

Registration Deadline: 21 September

6 December

A two-part IDW focusing on publishing in AMR and roundtable discussions of theory ideas from the participants.

Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

In-person workshop on: 6 December 2022

Registration Deadline: 28 October

3-5 January

An in-person preconference workshop of the sixth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference

Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel

In-person workshop on: 3-5 January 2023

Deadline: 4 December

All-Academy Playlists

Revisit the All-Academy content from the Annual Meeting, accessible via AOM’s , which includes Herman Aguinis’ Presidential Address, “This is Our Celebration” and multiple All-Academy Award Presentations featuring acknowledgements from each winner:

Awards and Recognition Webpages

Connect with your Divisions and Interest Groups


Join the Conversation!

AOM members are engaging in active conversations and seeking advice and expertise from colleagues in these discussion threads. Contribute to these scholarly conversations:

Update Your AOM Profile

As the new school year begins and members change jobs or receive promotions, please remember to so that AOM and fellow members can contact you.


Academy of Management Collections has launched!

Journal Calls for Submissions

AMD, AMLE, AMR Call for Nominations for Editors

for the position of editor at each of three AOM publications. The person(s) selected will become editor-elect on 1 July 2023 and editor on 1 January 2024. The term of office as editor at each of these journals is three years.

Submission Deadline: 6 September

AMR Special Topic Forum

Annals Call for Proposals

AMLE Special Issues

AMD Special Research Forums

AMD Discoveries-through-Prose
Submit your empirical research to AMD's


Registered Reports

In cases in which results (whether present or not) may have important theoretical or practical implications, scholars are encouraged to follow a submission approach.

AMP Call for Papers for Special Issue

AMP Call for Special Issue Papers

Journal Resources

offers , , and information on and .


Academy of Management Insights

Follow , highlighting the most recent and trending summaries, multimedia, and video content based on published AOM research.


Insights September Issue:

Access to Insights is available as an AOM member benefit.

Not a member? or purchase an

For Insights licensing opportunities, please .

Have AOM News to share? Contact the .

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