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Forbes: Why Boredom (Or At Least Downtime) Can Be Good For Your Brain—And For Creativity And Productivity

01 Sep 2022
When we see the word boredom, our first instinct is that it is a bad thing.

Originally found at Forbes

But what if embracing a concept we usually reject helps us build some truly essential practices for our well-being and productivity? Like the importance of downtime. And how unstructured, "empty" time can prompt bursts of creativity and imagination.

When I first saw the headline of a recent Axios article entitled, "Why We Should Embrace Boredom,"I immediately thought of my first boss and mentor, Steve Jobs. Steve was adamant about not overscheduling his kids' time. He wanted to give them plenty of open-ended, unstructured time—a blank canvas they could fill with their creativity. That idea resonates even more strongly with me as I embark on my own parenting journey.

The Axios article cites a [Academy of Management Discoveries] study published by the Academy of Management.

Continue reading the original article at Forbes.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Discoveries.

Read the Academy of Management Insights summary.

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