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Manager spending, green companies, better lunch breaks

01 Feb 2020
AOM Insights


U.S. Managers Spend More in Presidential Election Years

The coauthors analyzed 41 acquisitions of “socially or environmentally oriented” natural and organic products companies from 2000 to 2016.

Employees' activities during lunch affect their energy levels, as do whether employees have a choice in participating in those activities.

Manufacturers have found “shades of gray” by deflecting criticism and even blaming consumers.

James Bailey

of George Washington University has been appointed founding editor of , thematic groups of peer-reviewed research drawn from the AOM portfolio of journals.


• feature the curation, distribution, and evaluation of scholarly management content

• highlight scholarly findings across the original works including reflections by the authors and/or subject matter experts

• provide AOM scholars with the opportunity to broaden the dissemination and outreach of their work beyond traditional AOM journal channels

• build upon content value to managers and business leaders

Global Virtual Career Fair: February 26
AOM Specialized Conferences

for the Advancing Management Research in Latin America Specialized Conference, hosted by IPADE Business School 15-17 April 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. Register today and take advantage of early registration rates. to receive conference updates.









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