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Luck vs. skill, research-practice gap, saint to sinner

01 Mar 2020
AOM Insights


Star Employee or Just Lucky?

An in-depth analysis of thousands of journals and books shows that undergraduate business courses include an effective balance of academic and popular press source material.

Leaders and organizations with glowing ethical reputations may be especially vulnerable to a precipitous fall in media image during scandal.

Family-focused employees work harder, but not necessarily smarter, and they are less likely to innovate and take risks.

Researchers found two factors that significantly reduced the odds that failed internal job applicants will leave their organizations.

When organizations seek greater effectiveness by shifting authority to team members, some leaders may find it difficult to share power.

While reciprocity is a strong social force, people in the workplace are far less likely to be generous, unless they believe there’s something in it for them.

Volunteering has negative and positive implications for volunteers’ reputations among colleagues, depending on why people volunteered.


The Academy of Management appears to be ahead of the curve when it comes to women in leadership positions:

• AOM’s current president is . President-elect is .


Here are some Insights summaries suitable for your International Women’s Day reading list:

AOM Specialized Conferences

and the for the Advancing Management Research in Latin America Specialized Conference, hosted by IPADE Business School 15-17 April 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. Register today and take advantage of early registration rates through 16 March. to receive conference updates.









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