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COVID-19 meds, Spanish flu lessons, remote friends

01 May 2020
AOM Insights


Partnering to Speed COVID-19 Medications

The coronavirus pandemic puts new urgency on understanding the complexities of public-private partnerships so these critical collaborations can operate at peak efficiency.

Researchers uncover two factors that significantly affect communities’ abilities to recover: How the cause of the disaster is framed, and the capacity to form local nonprofit organizations.

When colleagues don't form friendly connections, it's harder to get work done. Employees with friendly work relationships are more engaged and less likely to look for new jobs.

For leaders dealing with crises, having empathy is a Goldilocks situation. Too much or too little empathy can cause problems, but just the right amount can get organizations back on track.

Workers who can operate within their own emotional comfort zones “are likely to experience increased job satisfaction and performance, higher self-esteem,” and can avoid burning out.

One path can lead to despair, but another route can lead to personal reinvention and a new way of life.

Loneliness infects organizations like a disease. It hinders job performance, employee commitment to the organization, and the company's bottom line.

While decisiveness and single-mindedness are often seen as key qualities of the model business leader, researchers show how managers may benefit from having mixed emotions.

As legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi said: “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”

Innovation and creativity

People who generate ideas usually end up taking a dimmer view of the things they try to improve, a researcher finds.


Business leaders should expect about three out of four innovation suggestions they come across to be overvalued by the people who came up with the ideas.

People seen as entrepreneurs or founders are more likely to get positive news coverage than those seen as managers or executives.

Top management research journals published only seven articles from 2007 to 2018 that “addressed the topic of climate change (or global warming) in their title, keywords, or abstract."

Contrary to stereotype, a male-dominant workplace can be just as caring and compassionate as a female-dominant workplace.


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Her Agenda



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