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Ghosts, Outsmarting robots, Harassed commuters, Diversity "happy talk"

01 Nov 2023
AOM Insights
Encounters with Organizational Ghosts

You don’t have to be a founder to have your legacy endure in an organization. Other beloved leaders can be influential long after they’re gone—and current leaders would be wise to pay attention to them, according to an Academy of Management Journal article.

Employees can move past fears of losing their jobs to automation and feel that their work with technology is important and meaningful by outsmarting and demeaning robots, an Academy of Management Discoveries article shows.

Managers need to understand the consequences of harassment in the “transition space,” the public areas between home and work, according to an Academy of Management Review article.

Most organizations have some sort of diversity initiative, but leaders aren’t always effective in motivating employees to put plans into action. That’s because leaders rely on “happy talk”—by emphasizing that diversity is valuable and beneficial—instead of acknowledging that benefitting from diversity requires overcoming its challenges, AOM scholars explain.

Many organizations recognize the importance of bystanders stepping in to stop aggressive behaviors at work and training programs have become widespread. While the effectiveness of such interventions is unknown, AOM scholars offer a theoretical model to help address the problem.

“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” As the adage suggests, relationships are the currency upon which careers are built. But how people gain access to influential star power at work differs between men and women, an Academy of Management Journal article reveals.

How organizations approach diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) can be ineffective and even have negative effects on organizational culture and performance. However, an Academy of Management Learning & Education article offers new perspectives on developing effective diversity strategies.

From the archive:

While outsourcing is a powerful tool to cut costs, improve performance, and refocus on the core business, outsourcing initiatives often fall short of managers’ expectations. A survey of nearly a hundred outsourcing efforts in Europe and the United States reveals that one or more of seven “deadly sins” underlie most failed outsourcing efforts.

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