
AOM Press Releases

Fast Company: 5 Warning Signs Your Remote Worker May Be Getting Ready To Quit

12 Apr 2021
AMD researchers: how quickly an employee responds or doesn’t respond can be correlated with their likelihood for leaving.

Originally found at Fast Company, by Stephanie Vozza.

When employees are working at an office, it can be easier to spot someone who may be thinking of quitting. Phone calls taken outside, extra time-off requests, and a detached attitude could be indicators they’re interviewing elsewhere. When everyone is remote, however, it can be harder to spot.

“The key warnings signs . . . are often related to whether that employee is engaging in what we call withdrawal behaviors,” says Angela Hall, associate professor in Michigan State University’s School of Human Resources and Labor Relations. “Withdrawal can take two forms: physical or psychological.”

Fortunately, research from meQuilibrium, an employee resilience solution, found that most employees—60%—have no intention of quitting. “But 7% are perilously close to jumping ship,” says Andrew Shatté, chief knowledge officer and co-founder of meQuilibrium.

Continue reading the original article at Fast Company.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Discoveries.

Also read this AOM Insights summary citing this research.

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