
AOM Press Releases

The Conversation: How Online Mindfulness Training Can Help Students Thrive During The Pandemic

16 Sep 2021
AMLE research reveals that online mindfulness training has a distinct benefit. It improves psychological well-being by helping students cultivate authenticity.

Originally found at The Conversation, by Adam Austen Kay.

COVID-19 is reasserting itself, with the Delta variant posing a serious threat to young people. The pandemic has made physical distancing an inescapable new reality of post-secondary education as universities continue to deliver courses online. Our research shows mindfulness training can also be effective when delivered online, bringing benefits previously unknown to science.

One year into the pandemic, students are showing signs of wear. The 2020 Student Experience Survey shows post-secondary students’ engagement with learning has dropped. Responses indicated they were 4% more likely to drop out due to stress or health concerns.

Universities thus face a pressing need to help their students cope. Fortunately, a promising new resource is available: online mindfulness training.

Mindfulness is the process of focusing attention and awareness on present moment experience with an open, curious and accepting attitude. It’s usually taught in person. However, given the advantages of online delivery in a pandemic, the popularity of online mindfulness training has boomed.

What did the study find?

In recent decades, a mountain of research has shown mindfulness is broadly effective for relieving symptoms of psychological suffering like anxiety, depression and stress. However, our study, published in the journal Academy of Management Learning & Education, shows online mindfulness training can do more than alleviate such symptoms. It can help students flourish.

Continue reading the original article at The Conversation.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Learning & Education.

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