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Older workers, benefit hassles, megacatastrophes

01 Oct 2020
AOM Insights
Lessons from the Mafia on Ambiguity

Despite being a violent criminal network, how the Mafia uses ambiguity to gain and maintain the upper hand with outsiders can be an effective strategy that law-abiding organizations should consider emulating.

When refugees fleeing war, disasters, or persecution arrive in new countries, they are almost always seen as a problem. But businesses can benefit by viewing them as a skilled labor pool.

When cover-ups come to light, reputations can be tarnished and finances drained. But why do some individuals get punished severely for their misdeeds, while others get off lightly?

AOM and the COVID-19 Pandemic

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features AOM member research and resources on teaching and working remotely, crisis management, COVID-19 responses, business and finance, and unemployment and restructuring

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Fast Company (reprint of Insights summary )

Fast Company (reprint of Insights summary )


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