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Voyeuristic businesses, Creative times of day, Battling with the media

01 Apr 2021
AOM Insights
A Look at Businesses That Focus on Voyeurism

What do reality television, erotic webcam, mixed-martial arts, and slum tourism have in common? They all use voyeurism to entertain audiences.

A person’s biological clock makes it more likely the individual will have positive moods at certain times, and these positive moods are one of the factors that can fuel creativity.

When organizations get caught breaking rules or making mistakes and their legitimacy is threatened, they often wrestle with media to control the narrative and shape stakeholders’ understanding of what happened, who was involved, and what should be done about it. Will a swift apology do the trick? Or should leaders simply wait for the dust to settle?

Chief executive officers "feel sympathy and empathy to those who are struggling,” a researcher says, especially when they feel responsible for causing the hardships.

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Dousing Disapproval in the Social Media Era


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