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Craftwork, Burnout, Demographic divides

01 Jun 2021
AOM Insights
Craftwork Makes a Comeback, Again

It’s time to reshape our view of crafts, from a primitive or outdated way of making things, to “a timeless approach to work that prioritizes human engagement over machine control,” AOM scholars say.

Self-care or caring for others can reduce burnout, but only when the most effective compassion strategy is matched to the specific type of burnout.

Minority individuals can feel like they are losing their unique identities in efforts to fit in with the mainstream. But leaders who challenge mainstream demands, to make those of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds fit in, can help establish organizations where everyone can flourish.

Firms’ direct alliances or indirect ties can fuel or quell damaging competition, an analysis of the U.S. domestic airline industry shows.

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