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New moms, Underdogs, Slaveholders' data

01 Aug 2021
AOM Insights
Helping New Moms Get Back to Work

After returning from maternity leave, managers and coworkers can be part of a welcoming and supportive environment. Or they can act as though nothing happened, piling work and resentment on the new mom. When it’s the latter, just about everyone stands to lose.

Leaders who cultivate an underdog identity can use that narrative inside their organizations, and instill workers with the confidence that they can overcome obstacles and thrive.

Reflecting on slaveholders’ calculations can help us to see how quantification can erase and obscure human costs. Slaveholders' account books show how numbers and balance sheets erase some things even as they make others visible.

“Entrepreneurship is a tool—a tool that (like a superpower) can be used for good (think Luke Skywalker) or for evil (think Darth Vader),” an AOM scholar writes.

Managers have lots of good reasons to give employees second chances after misconduct or mistakes. But if the process is not done right, forgiven employees might not feel fully reaccepted by their organizations, which could cause problems.

Women in the C-suite are changing the way organizations think, with a greater willingness to grow through research and development and less willingness to assume risk through mergers and acquisitions.

Like brandishing a cross at a vampire, displaying symbols of morality can keep unethical requests from bosses at bay.


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The YOLO Economy

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