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Plagues, Dreams, Rebuilding business schools

03 Oct 2022
AOM Insights
Viewing COVID Turmoil through a Black Death Lens

Comparing the COVID-19 pandemic with accounts of the Black Death that killed a third of Europeans in the 14th century shows that world-altering disasters often are not single events, but rather chain reactions that can be difficult to understand as they unfold over years, decades or even centuries, according to an Academy of Management Review article.

“The meaning that we ascribe to dreams can bridge between the subconscious and conscious and affect our waking resilience,” an AOM scholar says.

With many business school students learning in a culture of self-interest and greed, it’s no wonder that some graduates contribute to corporate scandals and lack the ability to help to address grand challenges such as inequality and climate change, according to an Academy of Management Learning & Education article.

Most adults who grew up in lower-class households get paid less than their upper-class peers—even in jobs that require similar educational backgrounds and have similar levels of prestige. “We may be, as a society, devaluing the worth of prosocial jobs,” an AOM scholar says.

Leaders who help forge connections and build status through networks in their field fuel creativity and popularity with audience-facing teams, an analysis of hundreds of New York City jazz bands shows.

Imagine walking into a store where there are no price tags. Customers pay what they think goods are worth—including no money at all.

A high-profile example of unethical behavior linked to incentives is the Wells Fargo scandal, in which employees opened millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts without customer consent to win sales bonuses.


Perfect for sharing in the boardroom, classroom, and on social media:

Feeling Like a Professional Can Fuel Ethical Lapses




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