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Minority entrepreneurs, Funny women, Rule breakers

01 Feb 2023
AOM Insights
Race Is Key to Understanding Entrepreneurial Disparities

Research into entrepreneurship almost always uses a race-neutral perspective, but an Academy of Management Annals article explains why race must be considered to understand the disparities between white and minority Americans.

Female speakers who aren’t afraid to share their senses of humor score more points with their audiences and gain more influence than their male counterparts, according to an Academy of Management Discoveries article.

Within competitive organizations, people love to make predictions about who is likely to win or lose. Favorites and underdogs abound. Expectations that accompany such labels can be powerful motivators and possibly boost performance, but they can also have destructive consequences, an Academy of Management Journal article reveals.

While organizations value moral behavior because it helps employees avoid ethical problems and subsequent scandals, some research has suggested that moralization has a dampening effect on creativity. But an Academy of Management Journal article shows that moralization can inspire creativity, especially when it reflects the employees’ values.

To thrive in a diverse workplace, individuals need to build relationships with people unlike themselves. But that can be a challenge. One solution? Get workers to think about relationships as something, like muscles, that can grow with effort and atrophy without care, an Academy of Management Journal article explains.

Teammates with varied knowledge benefit from a fluid hierarchy, in which different team members hold relatively greater influence over team discussion and decisions at different points in time, according to AOM scholars. Rotating who is most influential in a diverse team is helpful because it allows teams to shift influence to people whose expertise is best suited to solve new problems.

The psychological outcomes of setting and attaining high goals include enhanced task interest, pride in performance, a heightened sense of personal effectiveness, and, in most cases, many practical life benefits such as better jobs and higher pay, according to an Academy of Management Perspectives article.

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