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Tips from Matt Damon, whisky makers, diversity trainers

01 Mar 2023
AOM Insights
Entrepreneurial Sustainability Lessons from Matt Damon in The Martian

Facing starvation alone after being marooned on Mars, Matt Damon’s character in the 2015 movie, The Martian, offers food for thought for entrepreneurs seeking sustainable practices, according to an Academy of Management Review article.

AOM scholars studied nearly a century’s worth of records documenting the evolution of Scottish whisky distilleries to learn how social movements affect controversial industries.

Using trainers’ own words, AOM scholars identify elements of “brokering identities,” a process of bridging differences in demographic and cultural identities.

“Everything we’ve learned about leading change is that you have to sell change in terms of what’s going to be different and what’s going to be good about change,” an AOM scholar explains. “But what leaders don’t realize, because nobody tells them, is that part of selling the change is being very clear about what stays the same.”

We’ve all had experiences of taking on other people’s emotions. Getting yelled at by an erratic driver on the way to work or dealing with an irate customer can make anyone angry. Most research into these processes has focused on how they work in individuals and small groups. But these same dynamics can also affect entire organizations, an Academy of Management Discoveries article reveals.

Many observers question whether governing boards’ and journalists’ opinions of CEOs are valid, especially since journalists may offer praise to gain access to leaders, and board members may not want to rock the boat. But the doubters are wrong, AOM scholars show.

An AOM scholar calls for ways to better influence business students about ethics and corporate social responsibility.

International Women's Day

The United Nations has declared March 8 to be , with the theme of “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.” Data show that 37% of women around the world do not use the Internet, and 259 million fewer women have access to the Internet than men. “If women are unable to access the Internet and do not feel safe online, they are unable to develop the necessary digital skills to engage in digital spaces, which diminishes their opportunities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related fields. By 2050, 75% of jobs will be related to STEM areas,” according to the United Nations. “Yet today, women hold just 22% of positions in artificial intelligence, to name just one.”

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