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Entrepreneurial education, AI & creativity, Future of work

06 Jun 2023
AOM Insights
Entrepreneurial Education as a Way to Find Purpose

“The model is a bit broken” an AOM scholar says. “Stop drinking the Kool-Aid that it is all about profitability and financial outcomes. It is also about personal growth and authenticity: creating value for yourself, your community and the world.”

In the first study of its kind, AOM scholars show how artificial intelligence can fuel employees’ creativity under certain circumstances, according to an Academy of Management Journal article.

Rarely has such a strong confluence of factors—new technologies, pandemic-related hybrid and flexible work, and the rise in freelance, gig, and contractual work—so significantly upended the traditional labor market. This change is particularly relevant for Gen Z and Millennials, young engineers, and others who navigate a job market that values skills over traditional titles, according to an Academy of Management Perspectives article.

Some managers avoid promoting stars on their teams because they fear being unable to replace them. Not only are they hurting the stars and their organizations, but they’re also hurting themselves, according to AOM scholars.

Individuals can respond to toxic workplaces by using defense mechanisms, confronting abusers, or simply leaving. But AOM scholars reveal three responses that teams can take, as they work toward organizational goals and objectives.

It’s no secret that establishing positive relationships between managers and employees is essential to effective leadership. But managers who have achieved that goal should not rest on their laurels. Like friendships and marriages, manager-employee relationships need to be nurtured over the long haul.

Maintaining satisfaction and motivation in the face of adversity is easier if workers think of their labors in terms of self-sacrifice. But workers cannot maintain that vibe alone. Upholding the ideal of sacrificing for the common good requires support from peers and managers.

The presence of women in the C-suite has slowly grown in recent years, but their numbers still lag far behind those of men. Women hold only about 6% of CEO and 11% of executive roles in large U.S.-listed corporations, according to an Academy of Management Annals article, despite evidence that businesses with gender-diverse top management teams tend to perform better in the long run.

New multimedia:

Hints from Hollywood to Help Teams Adapt
How Controversial Industries Can Counter Opposition
Three Fears Prompt People to Say, “I’m Not a Leader”

The Academy of Management thanks Insights newsletter sponsor, UC Press:

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