
Ladders: Goodbye or see you later? Your ex-employer wants you as a reference

March 2024

Inc.: 4 red flags that prove you're more emotionally intelligent than you think, backed by science

Authoring an Academy of Management Collections Article

President's Corner with Sharon Alvarez: The Reach and Responsibility of AOM Community

Business Insider India: Constantly pretending your boss's dumb jokes are funny can lead to emotional exhaustion and lower job satisfaction, academics found

AOM Scholars On… Steps Organizations can take to Create Happier and More Fulfilled Employees

Forbes: How dreaming impacts your work productivity

Modern slavery, Grand challenges, Outsourcing innovation

Psychology Today: Research findings on the power of women leaders

Forbes: Misjudged jokes are no laughing matter. So when should CEOs use humor?

Forbes: Strategies to enable high performers transform organizations

Psychology Today: Vigilantes at work

Speaking up

February 2024

Ladders: Making the dream work: How to improve collaborative outcomes with co-workers

Online shaming, Rude coworkers, Ethical shortcuts

Fortune: The talent conundrum: Managers may be tempted to hold on to their best employees, but that actually hurts the entire company

Advancing Together: The PhD Project and AOM's Collective Impact on Representation in Management Property rights 'laws' historically manipulated by businesses, research finds