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Business Insider: 5 Indispensable Lessons CEOs Can Learn From Volodymyr Zelenskyy

07 Apr 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shows the power of effective communication and leading by example, according to experts.

Originally found at Business Insider by Marguerite Ward

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is navigating one of the world's biggest geopolitical events since World War II. Leaders of all types, but especially CEOs, can learn from Zelenskyy's approach to crisis management.

Though leading a country is certainly different from leading a company, there are similarities. Like presidents, CEOs are responsible for overseeing and taking care of a group of people. Many oversee budgets that are comparable to, or even larger than, some countries' gross domestic product. They're responsible for delivering on certain goals, are in the public eye, and are increasingly being asked to make decisions on global issues like the climate crisis and discrimination.

Over the past several weeks, Zelenskyy — dressed in camo-green T-shirts and zip-up sweaters — has been visible. He's posted videos from the streets of Kyiv, his country's capital, and repeated clear messages in media interviews. He's given emotional speeches to world politicians and even spoke virtually at this year's Grammy Awards.

Zelenskyy represents a new era of crisis leadership, according to professors of international relations and business. CEOs have the opportunity to learn from him.

Continue reading the original article at Business Insider.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.

Read the Academy of Management Insights summary.