Career Achievement Awards
Nominate your mentors, collaborators, and inspirations
Every year, the Academy of Management recognizes outstanding individuals, who have made significant contributions to the field of management through their service, research, innovative teaching methods, breakthrough developments, and more over the course of their career.
Have you noticed the leadership of a colleague or peer who fits the above description? AOM invites you to share your recognition for these distinguished individuals and their accomplishments with a 2024 Career Achievement Award (CAA) nomination.
AOM members are welcome to submit their nominations to the Career Achievement Awards Committee, who read each submission with careful consideration. Award winners have come from various backgrounds and from an array of experience around the world, each with their own unique contribution to the field of management.
“For me winning the award is beyond special. It’s recognition from AOM of the multiplicity of ways that we can make a difference... I think it says to people who are like me, that might be a little different than the mold, that you can make a difference.”
-Mary Crossan, winner of the 2023 Distinguished Educator Award
The recipients of the 2024 Career Achievement Awards will be announced during the Annual Meeting in Chicago. Nominations are open until mid-May. To nominate an outstanding individual for one of these distinguished awards, and submit your nomination via email to the Career Achievement Awards Committee Chair, at awards@aom.org.
Click here to hear from our 2023 Career Achievement Awards winners.
Coming soon: AOM Student Community
Calling all Students Members! AOM is launching a new exclusive community on Connect@AOM. The community will be run by student ambassadors from all Division and Interest Groups (DIGs), with the intent to build a student-run space, led by student voices, designed to meet all of your student needs.
All current student members will automatically be a part of this invaluable online community.
The Student Community will provide a forum for students navigating AOM’s year-round resources. AOM Student Ambassadors aim to foster interaction and engage with fellow student members across all DIGs and all stages of the academic journey. The space will continue to evolve naturally as students ask questions, support each other, and participate in events hosted through the community throughout the year. Learn more about the community or how to become an ambassador on Thursday, 30 May from 09:00-10:00 EDT (UTC/GMT-4) on Zoom, where AOM members and staff will answer questions, introduce leaders, and launch the community. Stay tuned for more!
You’re invited to attend AOM’s Annual Meeting this August in Chicago, IL, USA
Watch the Annual Meeting video.
Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management
AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers. Connect with the world's top influencers in the field of management.
Contact us for a media kit.
AOM President Sharon Alvarez debuts a new President’s Corner episode, offering an insider look at the functions the Academy’s headquarter staff provide for many of AOM’s activities and communities.
Watch other President's Corner video messages where Sharon offers insights on AOM policy, explains new initiatives, shares updates on AOM's Ethics structures and resources, and more.
DIG and Board of Governors Elections are Open
The Academy's election website is open. Both Board of Governors and Division and Interest Group (DIG) elections are being held simultaneously. We strongly encourage your participation in this important governance process. Voting deadline: 16 May
AMJ expands Manuscript Portfolio to include Research Methods articles
Academy of Management Journal announces a new manuscript type for submitting authors. Learn more.
NEW: Ask an AMR Associate Editor Session Series
Each session begins with a short presentation by one or more associate editors on a specific topic related to publishing in Academy of Management Review. After the presentation, the featured AE(s) will answer participants’ questions. These sessions will help authors who are considering submitting their work to AMR and who seek guidance on navigating the publication process. Learn more.
Call for Submissions
AMR Special Topic Forum - Artificial Intelligence in Management
AMR Bridge Reviewer Program
An innovative program with a goal of expanding the pool of potential reviewers. Participants in this program complete self-guided learning modules on topics such as writing highly developmental reviews, observing the ethics of reviewing, and avoiding bias while reviewing. Learn more.
The 84th Meeting of the Academy of Management will be held in Chicago, IL USA 9-13 August. Join us to examine the interplay of innovation, policy, and purpose as a lens for rethinking conventional ways of leading, managing, and organizing.
Student Room Rates
AOM students attending the Annual Meeting qualify for reduced room rates. Student rates sell out quickly and are on a first-come, first served basis. Student membership is required and reservations will be validated.
Annual Meeting Hotel Locations
Division and Interest Groups', committees', and affiliated and associated societies' meeting locations are now available to view, showing where each group will host their sessions in Chicago. This can be useful when planning your personal agenda and making your hotel reservations.
Visa Alert
There is a significant backlog of visa appointments for some countries. If you plan to attend AOM 2024, apply for your B1/B2 visa as soon as possible. Wait times may change daily, and appointments are not guaranteed. Please refer to the US Department of State website for additional information.
Annual Meeting Career Fair
The Annual Meeting Career Fair will open soon! This year, a variety of opportunities have been created to best meet the needs of our participants. From a walk-in style meet and greet to limited private space, the Career Fair continues to support your recruitment efforts. Check here for more information.
Sponsoring the Annual Meeting
Interested in sponsoring items for the Annual Meeting? For more information, contact us.
AOM members connect with colleagues around the globe through online and in-person networks, communities, and events.
Networking through AOM offers new opportunities to share your research, meet peers, and discuss everything from the latest theories, to the best teaching practices, to top management and organization issues of the day.
Get Connected about AOM 2024!
Connect@AOM communities are buzzing in advance of the Annual Meeting in Chicago! Click here to browse discussion posts to learn more about exciting sessions being planned, calls for award nominations, or advance application deadlines required for specific consortia and workshops. Keep the conversation going on Connect before, during, and after the Annual Meeting by tagging your discussion posts with #AOM2024
Academy of Management Directories
Directories allow members to identify and connect with current members, volunteer leaders, and contact AOM staff for assistance.
Membership Maximizer
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Review the benefits that come with being an AOM member.
Volunteering with AOM
Contribute to the collective future of AOM by serving in both short and long-term volunteer roles for students, early career scholars, and seasoned academics and practitioners. See what opportunities are currently available.