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CBS News: Why boredom could make you more creative

19 Jul 2019

Originally found at CBS News by Victoria Albert

Boredom is feared by everyone, from adults in the workplace to kids home on their summer break. But a recent Academy of Management study finds boredom can have positive outcomes such as generating new ideas.

The concept has some support from famously creative thinkers. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said that “boredom allows one to indulge in curiosity,” and author J.R.R. Tolkien created “The Hobbit” when he was a professor bored of grading papers.

“That’s because boredom is “our brain’s way of searching for an interesting, stimulating activity,” according to psychiatrist Dr. Sue Varma, “and if we can’t find it in the external environment, we are going to create it.”

Continue reading original article at CBS News.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Discoveries


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