
AOM Press Releases

Globes: The dynamics of a start-up: Is luck a significant motif on the road to success?

New Academy of Management research shows boredom can boost employee creativity, motivation and productivity

Inc.: There are 2 types of investor questions. Here’s how to nail both

How Corporate Social Responsibility Shields against Lawsuits

How Bipolar Disorder Can Overlap With Entrepreneurship

The Real Reasons Why Some Bosses Treat Employees Unfairly

How Complaining about the Boss Can Make Things Worse

When Mental Disorders Can Be an Advantage

After an IPO, Celebrity and Status May Be Too Much

Football Rivalries Offer Managers a Playbook on Taking Risks

How to score big when pitching an idea to the boss

Pros and cons of listening to music at work

Facing an Ethical Dilemma? Try This Approach

How to beat a little-known bias that plagues problem-solvers

A little-known way to spark creativity

Leveraging ADHD to generate ideas and action

The Journal Gazette: Venting about unfair boss detrimental

The Sydney Morning Herald: Why daydreaming at work is good for you

The Fate of Professionals in a Deskilled Future

Quartz: Are tattooed job applicants less likely to be hired? Two new studies disagree