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Academy News Archive

2 November 2022

04 Nov 2022
Member Spotlight: Alan Meyer, Journal Paper Development Workshops, DIG News

2 November 2022

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2 November 2022

Member Spotlight: Alan Meyer

“I’m tremendously gratified to receive this award for service, because AOM has delivered tremendously great services to me over the last 44 years. It’s the scaffold I’ve used to build my identity and career as a researcher, scholar, teacher, and editor. AOM is where I learned to present papers, teach classes, and review manuscripts.”

Alan Meyer is the 2022 recipient of the Academy of Management’s Distinguished Service Award for his impassioned volunteerism over the past 44 years. Meyer has been an impactful member of the AOM community--fueling various academic initiatives, volunteering within Division and Interest groups, and working to ensure research remains credible, relevant, and beneficial within society.


Meyer first joined AOM as an Academic member while receiving his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. Born in California and raised in Seattle, Meyer currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where he’s Professor Emeritus of Management at the Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.


Meyer’s service endeavors included serving on the Editorial Board and as Associate Editor of AMJ, serving as founding Chair of the Management and Organizational Cognition Division, and as Program Chair, Chair, and Past Chair of the Organization and Management Theory Division. He was elected as a Board of Governors Representative at Large from 1998-2001. He has been on advisory boards for AMJ, Annals, and AMD throughout the years, and facilitated AOM Africa Faculty Development workshops in Ghana, Rwanda, and South Africa from 2011-2013.


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are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal. Join us for these upcoming Paper Development Workshops:

15 November

Learn about publishing in the AOM’s suite of journals through a two-part paper development workshop (PDW) aimed at India-based researchers.

Hosted by Indian Institute of Management Udaipur

15 November

Registration and Submission Deadline: 11 November

2 December

A hybrid paper development pre-submission workshop for an AMD Special Research Forum, "A Whole Different Ball Game—Exploring the Modern Organizational Context Through the Lens of Sports".

Bayes Business School, City University of London

2 December

Deadline: 22 November

6 December

A two-part IDW focusing on publishing in AMR and roundtable discussions of theory ideas from the participants.

Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

6 December

Registration Deadline: 28 October

7 December

PDW hosted by Nanyang Technological University to develop ideas and working manuscripts for later submission for review at Academy of Management Journal.

7 December

Submission Deadline: 16 November

3 January

An in-person paper development workshop with an emphasis on Registered Reports.

Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management (FTF) and online in partnership with the Israel OB Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel

3 January 2023

Deadline: 1 December

7 February

This workshop will help participants develop well-crafted manuscripts suitable for submission to the Academy of Management Review.

7 February 2023

Registration Deadline: 3 January 2023

10 February

This workshop is geared toward PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars who are affiliated with The PhD Project, and who are interested in publishing in AMR. The goal of this IDW is to provide disciplined guidance and constructive feedback to researchers worldwide from seasoned scholars currently serving on the editorial team of AMR. Participation in the IDW does not guarantee acceptance of the paper in AMR or special preference in the review process. Furthermore, attendance in the IDW is not a prerequisite for submission to AMR or for publication

10 February 2023

Registration Deadline: 31 January 2023

16-17 March

This workshop is geared toward PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars from Latin America who are interested in publishing in AMR and AMD. The hope is that this workshop will help participants develop well-crafted manuscripts suitable for submission to AMR and AMD.

7 February 2023

Registration Deadline: 1 March 2023

5-6 April

From the Beginning to the End: Exploratory Research to Integrative Reviews at the AOM Journals

In-person joint workshop hosted by Vrije Universiteit Brussels

5-6 April 2023

Deadline: 1 March 2023


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2021 Annual Report

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Deadline: 17 November





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16 November


23 November


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Members in the News

Marina Astakhova

Christine Mihelcic

Michelle Montague-Mfuni

Robins School faculty are acclaimed business leaders, subject matter experts, and consultants. They are authors and scholars and mentors both in and out of the classroom.

Photos: Robins School of Business


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