
Goal 3: Advancing Knowledge

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Goal Three details: Journals | Insights

AOM is fundamentally advancing knowledge creation and content dissemination for greater relevancy and impact on a diverse set of stakeholders and institutions around the world.

What does that mean for the broader community of scholars, the field of management, and the general public?

The Academy publishes top-rated peer-reviewed Publications with authoritative and diverse management research findings. In 2021, lifted and supported by the immeasurable contributions and dedication of our volunteer community, AOM Publications engaged external audiences, including the global business community and global media. We accomplished this goal by continuing to create new types of Academy of Management Insights content (animated infographics), while also producing and disseminating traditional Insights content (summaries, infographics, and videos) to these audiences. These innovations also promote the scholarly work that AOM produces and provides vital recognition to our members and authors.



At the Academy, our devoted volunteers—editors, associate editors, reviewers, and editorial review board members—collaborate to advance knowledge creation and content dissemination for greater global relevancy and impact.


Journal submissions by continent


Academy of Management Insights

The Academy publishes content for managers and business leaders through Insights, which transforms scholarly AOM journal articles into easy-to-read online summaries and engaging videos and infographics. Insights’ get-right-to-the-point format transforms peer-reviewed management research from the world’s top scholars into actionable evidence for the workplace.

Summaries can vastly expand the dissemination of journal articles. For example, the #1 summary was clicked 88,899 times, compared with 915 times for the related AMP article. logged its 1 millionth visit in October 2021.

Top 10 Most-Read Insights Summaries in 2021

  1. 15 Signs You Work with a Narcissist, Machiavellian, or Psychopath
  2. The Dark and Destructive Downsides of Entrepreneurship
  3. Women Who Cry at Work Need to Know These Five Things
  4. Dwelling on Roads Not Taken Can Create Bumps at Work
  5. New People Can Spark Creativity by Shaking Things Up
  6. The Career Ladder’s Social Class Ceiling
  7. Subjective Time: What It Is and Why It Matters at Work
  8. North Korea’s Entrepreneurial Dreamers
  9. Deeply Religious Cultures Widen the Gender Wage Gap
  10. How to Help New Moms Get Back to Work

Academy members have taken notice of the potential for advancing the impact of management and organization science on business and society worldwide.


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