
The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

Join us for the world's premier event for scholarly engagement around management and organization research.

AMLE Call for Special Issue Proposals

Submission deadline: August 1 2022 for AMLE special issue proposals for publication in 2025. We will select one special issue for each year.

AMD Special Research Forum: The Human Side of the Future of Work

In management, research on this topic includes alternative work arrangements, telecommuting, artificial intelligence, work and employment policy, generational differences in values, and more. Submission deadline: 1 July 2022
Event: 30 Apr 2022

AMLE Special Issue -- The Impact of COVID-19 on Management Learning and Education: Perils and Possibilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global disaster, requiring rapid responses and new ways of working in every field. We invite submissions to all of AMLE’s peer reviewed sections on this crisis.

AMP Call for Special Issue Proposals

Submission deadline: 1 June 2022. The AMP editorial team will make final decisions by 1 July 2022.
Event: 28 Feb 2022

AMJ PDW: Online Workshop on Transparency and Rigor in Empirical Research

The goal of this workshop is to showcase and discuss best practices in research transparency and share advice and tips on how to approach these issues for paper submissions to AMJ.

AMR Idea Development Workshop hosted by Esade

This idea development workshop (IDW) is geared toward PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars who are interested in publishing in AMR.

AMR Idea Development Workshop, UK

Deadline to register and submit one-page proposal is 18 April 2022.

AMP PDW: Publishing in Academy of Management Perspectives

This PDW is now a virtual event, hosted by Professor and Associate Dean Siri Terjesen, Florida Atlantic University and the AMP Editors

Joint AMR and AMD Paper Development Workshop, Poland

Registration deadline: 1 June 2022.

AMR Idea Development Workshop, Spain

Deadline to register and submit two-page paper is 20 March 2022.

AMLE PDW: Addressing Socioeconomic Inequalities Through Management Education and Learning

Submission deadline: 15 March 2022

AMJ Paper Development Workshop, Spain

Submission deadline: 20 April 2022

AMLE Paper Development Workshop, Norway

Submission deadline: 25 August

AMJ Paper and Idea Development Workshop, Netherlands

Submission deadline: 15 May 2022

AMR Special Topic Forum - Fresh Perspectives on Trust in Today's Changing Theoretical and Contextual Landscapes

The aim of this issue is to create conceptual frameworks that highlight the key role of trust within and between organizations, and, in light of dramatic internal and external change, re-examine some of the fundamental questions and assumptions addressed in theories of trust.

Publishing in AMD: A Workshop, Netherlands

Submission Deadline: 29 April 2022
Event: 12 Nov 2021

Virtual PDW: Learn about publishing with Annals

Join us for a virtual Paper Development Workshop to learn about publishing in the Academy of Management Annals. Talk to this year’s Best Articles winners, participate in our Q&A, and learn how to write a proposal that can lead to a paper being published in Annals!

AMLE Virtual Paper Development Workshop

AMLE Special Issue: The Impact of COVID-19 on Management Learning and Education: Perils and Possibilities

AMLE Virtual Paper Development Workshop

Submissions on all management learning and management education topics, using all types of theory, at all levels of analysis, and using all empirical methods are invited.