Career Services enables the broadest reach during the AOM 2022 hybrid Career Fair
On-site interviews: 5 -9 August (one-on-one
Virtual Career Fair: 6-7 August (walk-in,
group, or one-on-one sessions)
- Interviews scheduled by employers are typically informative
in nature and last approximately 30 minutes
- Job Seeker and Employer Do’s and Don’ts can
be provided upon request prior to the Fair
- Career Coaches will take appointments for on-site and
virtual career coaching
To participate on-site, Annual Meeting registration is required.
We're looking forward to bringing our global community together both in-person in Seattle,
Washington, USA as well as online via the Virtual Annual Meeting platform. We are excited
to meet in person again and to continue offering a vibrant program to all attendees.
AOM 2022 Hotel Accommodations
For members who plan to attend in-person, hotel accommodations are now available
through the AOM Housing Bureau.
Reservation deadline: 18 July 2022.
2022 Annual Meeting Key Dates
Late May/Early June: Online Program Opens
5-9 August: Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington
4-10 August: Annual Meeting platform
Annual Meeting Decision Notifications
Decision (accept/reject) notifications have been sent to paper authors and primary submitters
of all AOM 2022 submissions. Visit the Submission Center to check the status of your submission.
Thank you to all submitters and reviewers for your contribution to this year’s Annual
Sponsoring the Annual Meeting
There’s still time to sponsor items for the Annual Meeting! For more information,
contact us.
Available sponsorship items:
Paper Development Workshops are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their
manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal.
Join us for these upcoming virtual and in-person Paper Development Workshops:
AMR Idea Development Workshop in the UK
This idea development workshop (IDW) is geared toward career researchers (e.g.,
Assistant Professors and Postdoctoral fellows) and PhD students who are
interested in publishing in AMR.
In-person event on: Monday, 9 May 2022 from 10:00-17:00 (GMT/UTC 0) at Durham University Business
School, UK
Registration Deadline: 18 April
AMD PDW in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Empirical Exploration in Management and Organizational Research: A Workshop
on Publishing in Academy of Management Discoveries
In-person event on: Thursday,
12 May 2022, 8:30-15:30, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Submission Deadline: 29 April
AMJ PDW in Madrid, Spain
Paper and Idea Development Workshop
In-person event on: 23
May 2022, IE University Business School
Calle de María de Molina, 31, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Submission Deadline: 20 April
AMJ PDW in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Paper and Idea Development Workshop: Making Theoretical AND Practical Impact
In-person event on: 30
June-1 July 2022, University of Amsterdam Business School Plantage Muidergracht
Submission Deadline: 15 May
Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management
AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with
our readers. Connect with the world’s top influencers in the field of management.
Contact us for a media kit.