If you’re among those who can still work remotely at least part of the time, you need to reconsider your wardrobe.
Originally found at Fast Company, by Erica Bailey, C. Blaine Horton, Adam Galinsky
The COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. Despite the dislocation and immense challenges people have faced during the pandemic, many discovered a silver lining: the benefits of working remotely. But now things are starting to look right side up as many companies are starting to re-open their doors. Despite the rush to return to office normalcy, the idea that every worker needs to come into the office every day has been left in the pre-pandemic past. Some form of remote work is here to stay.
The shift toward remote work has also turned daily clothing choices inside out. In the shift to remote work, some workers soldiered on in their office uniform while others abandoned their professional look for more comfortable home attire. Workers likely tried every permutation of their wardrobe—moving from one extreme (suit and tie) to the other (sleepwear and athleisure). Many even tried the Zoom mullet (“Business on top, party on the bottom”), though the results are sometimes embarrassing.
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