
AOM Press Releases

HR Dive: Diverse senior leaders may jump ship to move up the ladder, study says

20 Nov 2020
Companies that had high racial diversity congruence — having matching levels of representation in upper management and lower management — had the highest levels of productivity, according to a study published June 9 in the Academy of Management Journal.

Originally found at HR Dive.

Dive Insight:
Similar surveys have shown that diversity is not a strategic priority for leaders despite evidence that strong diversity and inclusion improves the bottom line as well as productivity. Companies that had high racial diversity congruence — having matching levels of representation in upper management and lower management — had the highest levels of productivity, according to a study published June 9 in the Academy of Management Journal

But even companies that say they create empowering environments that encourage belonging may have a perception problem in their workplaces; while a majority of leaders in a June Accenture report stated they created such environments at their workplaces, only 36% of employees agreed. A May survey from Clutch noted that employers may be focusing on "small elements of diversity" instead of specific diversity initiatives, such as improving LGBTQ awareness.


Continue reading the original article at HR Dive.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.

Also read this AOM Insights summary citing this research.

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