Sleesman, Dustin_1000x1000

Dustin J. Sleesman

Associate Professor of Management

Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics
University of Delaware

Topic Areas

Conflict Management, Organizational Behavior

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2020 Election, Climate Change, COVID

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Dustin J. Sleesman studies behavior in organizations from multiple perspectives. First, his research examines how people become committed to decisions and projects, and how they can even be overly attached and unwilling to adapt when change is needed. Second, he studies negotiation and conflict resolution. Most of his work in this area emphasizes the influence of thoughts and perceptions. Lastly, his research focuses on how to create the conditions for team effectiveness, such as understanding the important role of leadership, motivation and information sharing among members.

Dustin's research has been published in leading academic journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, The Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Applied Psychology. His research has also been cited in media outlets, such as Forbes, HuffPost, MIT Sloan Management Review, The European Business Review, National Affairs, Philanthropy Journal, La Tercera, Delaware Public Radio, WDPN-TV Wilmington/Philadelphia, and Cheddar TV.

Dustin has received several awards for his research, including the Outstanding Junior Faculty Award and the Dean’s Office Research Recognition Award from the Lerner College of Business and Economics in 2019 and the Best Empirical or Theoretical Paper Award from the Conflict Management division of the Academy of Management in 2017.

Dustin received a PhD from Michigan State University and a BS and BA from The Ohio State University.

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