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Ellen Kossek

Basil S. Turner Professor of Management & Research Director Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership

Krannert School of Management
Purdue University

Topic Areas

Careers, Change Management, Gender and Diversity, International Management, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Social Issues

Trending Topics

Aging Workforce, Future of Work, Remote Work and Working Families

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Ellen Ernst Kossek is the Basil S. Turner Professor at Purdue University's Krannert School of Management and the first elected President of the Work-Family Researchers Network. Elected a Fellow in the Academy of Management, and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association, Ellen currently studies how work-life boundaries, work-life-family and diversity employment practices impact women’s workplace inclusion and career equality. She also designs and conducts interventions and evaluates them in field experiments to help organizations and leaders implement work-life flexibility, and work-life cultural change and gender equality initiatives.

Ellen has organized a research to practice conference series on breaking bias to advance gender and diversity and an NSF workshop bringing together scholars on management and diversity on the organizational science of fostering work-life inclusion in universities.  Kossek has won many awards, including the Work-Life Legacy award for helping to build or advance the work-life movement;  the Ellen Galinsky Generative Researcher Award, (2020) for contributing break-through thinking to the work-family field; the Sage Scholarly achievement award from the Academy of Management’s Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division for advancing understanding of gender and diversity in organizations, and won and also  been a multi-year finalist for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter award for work-family research excellence and a best paper award (JOB) for research on diversity climate.  She recently was cited in a Stanford study as being in the top 2% of authors publishing in business and management. Her research been published in top academic and management journals and national media publications.

Ellen recently led in writing a commissioned report for the National Academies of Sciences on the effects of COVID-19 on the work-life boundaries and domestic labor of Women in Academic Science STEMM; and also has written reports on future work life policies for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Prior to joining Purdue, Ellen was University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, the Center for Creative Leadership, Kings College, the University of South Australia,  Harvard, and the University of Bologna. She currently teaches classes on leading management of diversity and inclusion and managing global organizational behavior and human resources.

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