Tushman, Michael_1000x1000

Michael Tushman

Baker Foundation Professor

Harvard Business School
Harvard University

Topic Areas

Change Management, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Technology and Innovation

Trending Topics

Innovation and change

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Michael L. Tushman is Baker Foundation Professor, Paul R. Lawrence, MBA Class of 1942 Professor Emeritus, and the Charles B. (Tex) Thornton Chair of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He obtained his Ph.D. from MIT, and prior to HBS, taught at the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University. His work focuses on managing strategic innovation and large-scale change and on the relations among technological change, senior executive teams, and organizational evolution. At Harvard Business School, he is faculty co-chair of Leading Change and Organizational Renewal and faculty chair of the Advanced Management Program. He was faculty chair of the Program for Leadership Development and has taught in HBS’ MBA and doctoral programs. 

Michael received an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva and was awarded the Academy of Management’s Career Achievement Award for Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Management. He also received distinguished scholar awards in the Technology and Innovation Management, Organization Management and Theory, and Organization Development and Change divisions of the Academy of Management and was elected and AOM Fellow. Michael received the distinguished scholar award at INFORMS’ Technology Management Section and was recognized as a Foundational Scholar in the Knowledge and Innovation Group of the Strategic Management Society and was awarded the Sumantra Ghoshal Award for Rigour & Relevance in the Study of Management from London Business School. Michael is also a founding director of Change Logic.

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