
AOM Press Releases

Forbes: Women more likely to negotiate salaries but still earn less than men, research says

Member Spotlight: Mary Crossan – Winner of the 2023 Distinguished Educator Award Organizational ghosts: admired former leaders who continue to have outsized influence

Member Spotlight: Muhammad Aqeel Awan and Niranjan Janardhanan, recipients of the 2023 Carolyn B. Dexter Award

Fast Company: How paying attention to your nightly dreams could impact your career

Member Spotlight: Blake E. Ashforth, recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Management Award Relatable, welcoming cities play large role in migrant success, finds study

HR Brew: Women are more likely to negotiate than men, but are told ‘no’ more often

Entrepreneur: The key to developing more informed and inclusive DEI marketing strategies

Forbes: What the $500 million fix for local news says about trust and impact

2023 Awards and Recognition

FVC: Academy of Management holds an exclusive session for the Brazilian academy for the first time

Boston Globe: Feel like an imposter? It might be good for your career

Psychology Today: What exactly do we learn from failure?

Incoming Editor Spotlight: Chet Miller

Fortune: New research finds that despite the stereotypes, women actually negotiate their salaries more than men Study shows dreams spill over into the workplace and can be channeled for productivity

Time/Charter: How organizations can improve worker buy-in on diversity efforts

Time-Charter: How organizations can improve worker buy-in on diversity efforts

Inc.: Surprising new research on the gender pay gap: women negotiate more than men, but get told no more often