
AOM Press Releases The Downside of Loyalty

09 Aug 2021
New AMJ research reveals why some organizational cover-ups go unchecked.

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A cover-up, or an attempt to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error or unethical actions, can prove harmful and costly for an organization. Often starting small, a cover-up can turn into a scandal that forever tarnishes the reputation of an institution.

"Understanding When and Why Cover-Ups Are Punished Less Severely" is forthcoming in the Academy of Management Journal from Timothy Kundro, assistant professor of management and organization at Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business.

Kundro, along with Samir Nurmohamed from the University of Pennsylvania, reviewed organizational cover-ups over the past 100 years and surveyed 400 full-time employees across a range of occupations and organizations, asking them to recall either a personal or a relational cover-up either within or outside their organizations. The vast majority (98 percent) were able to recall specific instances of cover-ups within their organizations.

Continue reading the original article at

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.

Also read this AOM Insights summary citing this research.

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