
AOM Press Releases

SUCCESS: At a Loss for Words? 25 Ways to Master the Art of Small Talk

22 Mar 2023
You’re invited! To the company party, a friend’s wedding or maybe a community group outing—whatever it is, it’s on your calendar. All great chances to meet new people. But maybe events like these, the ones that require you to make small talk, bring you more anxiety than excitement.

Originally found at SUCCESS

You’re invited! To the company party, a friend’s wedding or maybe a community group outing—whatever it is, it’s on your calendar. All great chances to meet new people. But maybe events like these, the ones that require you to make small talk, bring you more anxiety than excitement. You think, I won’t know anyone there. I really should go—but I don’t want to. I hate small talk.

Small talk has earned a bad rap, because to many people it represents meaningless and trivial conversation. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A recent study published in Communication Research has found that those who engage in any of seven types of quality conversation experience increased well-being and happiness, alongside a reduction in their stress levels. Small talk has its benefits as well; a 2021 study published in the Academy of Management Journal found that, despite the distraction caused by engaging in small talk, “employees who engaged in more small talk during their workday reported increased positive social emotions, which translated into greater [organizational citizenship behaviors] and well-being at the end of the day.” 

Continue reading the original article at SUCCESS

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal.

Read the Academy of Management Insights summary.

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