
Driving Goal 1: Connecting our Community

DRIVING GOAL 1     /     DRIVING GOAL 2     /     DRIVING GOAL 3     /     DRIVING GOAL 4


AOM is connecting members of the global management and organization community with one another and with external audiences through an unparalleled portfolio of engagement opportunities that transcend technological and geographic boundaries.

What does that mean for our worldwide membership?

Our Annual Meeting is the world's largest forum devoted to management scholarship and education. Annual Meeting innovation often has grass-roots beginnings. Each year, through conversations, feedback, and outreach, a host of new and innovative ideas from attendees, participants, volunteers, leaders, and staff are put forward.

To enable scholars with the best practical input on globally relevant management teaching, AOM continues to offer the Teaching and Learning Conference at the Annual Meeting.

The Specialized Conferences Initiative brought the Academy to Bled, Slovenia in late October to explore Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies amid Lake Bled's spectacular scenery.


79th Annual Meeting

The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management had a record number of attendees, with over 11,000 members visiting Boston from August 9-13, 2019 to share their research, network with peers, and experience the Understanding the Inclusive Organization theme. Over 500 of those in attendance also took part in the 2019 Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC@AOM).

Technology Centers continue to be major gathering areas for annual meeting attendees. They are located throughout the meeting facilities and provide spots for members to sit and relax, chat, access the Internet, recharge their portable devices, and check out exhibitor Out & About tables.

2019 collage

Annual Meeting by the Numbers


Annual Meeting Boston

Teaching and Learning Conference by the Numbers


Teaching and Learning Conference

View the list of TLC@AOM Committee members in the dynamic edition of the 2019 Annual Meeting Program.


Goal One Details: 79th Annual Meeting | Specialized Conferences

Specialized Conferences Initiative

Academy of Management Specialized Conferences are unique, new meeting opportunities that complement our historic Annual Meeting. Conference models allow participants to deeply connect and engage throughout the year in locations that are reflective of the geographic dispersion of our global membership. New program structures, delivery modes, content features, and conference designs that reflect the creative energy of our members are underway.

AOM Specialized Conferences

Specialized Conference: Bled, Slovenia

Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies
Bled, Slovenia
23-25 October 2019

The AOM Specialized Conference on Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies was hosted by the IEDC-Bled School of Management; this engaging event was developed in collaboration with five AOM Divisions & Interest Groups: Management Education and Development Division (MED), Organizational Behavior Division (OB), Organizations and the Natural Environment Division (ONE), Social Issues in Management Division (SIM), and Strategic Management Division (STR).

This important specialized conference called on participants to explore what “responsible leadership” means in the context of a rapidly changing world, particularly in rising and transforming economies. Conference attendees considered how the scholarly management community, in collaboration with businesses, policy makers, NGOs, media, and other stakeholders interested in the new role of business in society, could best support the development of responsible management and sustainable innovation. The conference program provided a dynamic blend of paper sessions, symposia, professional development workshops, a doctoral consortium, and journal paper development workshops from Academy of Management Annals (AMA), Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD), Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP), and Academy of Management Review (AMR). The conference also featured keynote presentations and a moderated debate featuring participants from industry, government, and academia, as well as the most recent former president of Slovenia.

Abstracts of all papers and symposia presented at AOM Specialized Conferences are included in the Academy of Management Global Proceedings.

Please find Vol. Slovenia, No. 2019 here.

Visit the Responsible Leadership website for more information on the conference.


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