The Careers Division (CAR) seeks scholarly submissions of papers and symposia for AOM 2025, the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, to be held July 25-29, 2025, with scholarly sessions taking place on Sunday, July 27 through Tuesday, July 29, and a new format poster session taking place Friday July 25 through Tuesday, July 29. The Meeting will be held in-person in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Careers Division fosters the general advancement of research, learning, teaching, and practice in the field of careers, while encouraging the extension and unification of knowledge pertaining to careers, and thereby enhancing the practice of management.
Research in the field of careers addresses people's lifelong succession of work experiences, the structure of opportunity to work, and the relationship between careers and other aspects of life. Submissions for the conference may reflect any topic that fits within the careers domain and extends our understanding of careers. The Careers Division is open to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method approaches as well as conceptual and theoretical submissions. Topics include, but are not limited to:
This will be a year of firsts for AOM! The first-first is probably the most obvious: this year’s conference will be the first to be held outside of North America in the 88-year history of AOM! This decision underscores AOM’s dedication to increasing access and participation, and to that end, we welcome members from around the globe and especially those who have not been able to participate before, to join in person, expand their professional networks, and engage with the latest advancements in their fields.
The second-first is that Copenhagen 2025 is the first Annual Meeting to take place under one roof. That means about 90% of all sessions will take place at the Bella Center; no need to rush to your next session at a different facility. We hope this important design consideration, combined with the return of the poster submission format – see below for more details – will allow for more spontaneous gathering, conversation, collaboration, and conviviality.
The third and final-first is that this year there will be no conference theme, or as the organizers have said somewhat tongue-in-cheek: “the theme is Copenhagen 2025.” So, while we encourage submitters to think about the opportunities afforded by the novel location and format, there will otherwise be no theme to work into submissions. Please feel free to present the work that best represents your interests and advances the division’s goals.
The CAR scholarly program will include both papers and symposia, as usual, as well as a new option for a poster submission (more detail provided below). Details of the requirements for each session type (paper versus symposium) are outlined on the Submission Process page. Please also keep in mind that symposia (including panel discussions) have a higher chance of acceptance when they indicate potential co-sponsorship by other relevant divisions.
Please note that all papers should be submitted using the AOM Submission Center. The Submission Center opens early December 2024 and closes on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5). Earlier submissions are encouraged and any submissions after the deadline will not be processed, so please ensure a timely submission. Also, note that there is limited space on the scholarly program and, consequently, not all submissions can be accepted.
Based on feedback received, AOM is excited to introduce a new opportunity for presenter participation: poster submissions. This is a format AOM has used in the past, though not for a number of years, and one that submitters may be familiar with from other conferences. The AOM program will feature poster session presentations in high-visibility areas of the conference with visual format for sharing research and ideas, as well as for networking with multiple attendees and presenters at AOM. We expect poster sessions to encourage open dialogue and allow researchers to present their work in a less formal setting than traditional presentations, while still being an official part of the program. Each poster submission will require an extended abstract manuscript. If accepted, participants will prepare a visually engaging poster summarizing their research findings, methods, and conclusions. These posters often feature graphs, images, and text to clearly present the information and facilitate discussions.
Please consider reviewing for CAR and you might win a Best Reviewer award. Regardless of your career phase, AOM provides excellent support for reviewing and we welcome your involvement whether you are a new or long-standing Annual Meeting attendee. Without our reviewers, we cannot create a great program. In other words: We need your help because to have enough reviews, we need many helpful reviewers! You can get reviewing guidelines to help you along the way.
So, please sign up NOW to review for the Careers Division. The actual review period is from mid-January until mid-February 2025.
The Careers Division offers several awards for the Annual Meeting, including the Best Overall Paper Award, Michael Driver Best Symposium Award, and the Arnon Reichers Best Student Paper Award. The award winners will be determined by committees of around 3-5 scholars, and the winners will be announced during the AOM 2025 conference.
This is an innovative year, to say the least, and a lot to take in. For questions, comments, and concerns, please email Careers Division Program Chair, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas.
25-29 July 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark